Multi-Touch Input (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 6, 2008
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ok, so this is fairly specialist; but I'm building an FTIR Multi Touch coffee table at the moment for a number of cool reasons; recently added to the list of cool reasons would be to have a media browser on the coffee table, this would let anyone sat around flip through my library, viewing previews, reading descriptions, etc... and then "throw" the video towards my main screen for it to load up and be played... I can't imagine it would take much more effort to add the program guide, etc to the interface either... But Since this will be running on another machine entirely; I don't know if this qualifies as a plug-in, although it may require a plug in to help with some of the interfacing...

Any thoughts from anyone before I start designing this thing?


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    I am not sure of the current status, but there once was a web interface. You could probably use that as a starting point for interfacing. You would "only" have to change the display logic (a little ;-) )


    New Member
    May 6, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thats awesome :) If there's a web front end, I can easily turn that into a web service; then write a nice WPF vector based front end for the table that can call media portal via the service... I would like things like the progress bar / now playing information to appear on the coffee table too, so I guess it could get a little more involved :)


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Thats awesome :) If there's a web front end, I can easily turn that into a web service; then write a nice WPF vector based front end for the table that can call media portal via the service... I would like things like the progress bar / now playing information to appear on the coffee table too, so I guess it could get a little more involved :)

    or, you could obtain the information from the CybrDisplay plugin via the CybrDisplay External Status plugin (using the xPL_Connector driver)...

    Then you could develop your mult-itouch application to support the xPL protocol, which will give you the ability to obtain MediaPortal status and to control MediaPortal, as well as interface with other home automation controllers and devices.


    New Member
    May 6, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    That's EXACTLY the sort of thing I was hoping for :D wicked! Right, time to get cracking on the 15" concept...


    New Member
    May 6, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    No worries, I won't be presenting much of my scratchy documentation regarding my trial build... but once I start putting together the software and then the "production" version of the table I'll publish my progress with lots of photos and technical descriptions as regularly as possible :)


    Portal Pro
    February 8, 2006

    I just got my multi-touch coffee table working, and was trying to think about the best way to do the exact same thing! I'm glad someone else in the mediaportal community is working on this as well. I am going to check out the LCD touch screen plugin when I get home, but ultimately I want a cool multitouch enabled interface to load all of my media. Zwitta, if you get anything working give me a shout so I can test it. I will also be trying my hand at coding something like this, but don't know when I'll get around to it (there are so many applications that I want to build for the table.) I'll keep you guys updated if I get anything working. In the meantime, if you want to check out a few (slightly outdated) pics of my setup you can go to the nuigroup forums: NUI Group » My DI Coffee Table (first shots)
    There are also plenty of pics and video of other people's multitouch setups and help for anyone who wants to build their own!

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