Man I love MediaPortal!!! It has completely consumed my last three days...
Could a plugin perform the following functions?
1) When MP is launched copy a saved MediaPortal.xml(configuration file) from the current user's home directory ( c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My Documents\ ), and write it to the MediaPortal dir before the configuration file needs to be read.
2) On MP exit, write the MediaPortal.xml file from the MediaPortal directory over the one in the current user's home. ( Saving any changes made during the session. )
I want to have different settings, for different users on my machine. The moving file at login I've been able to figure out through other means, but getting the .xml config file written on exit is beyond me.
I thought this might be done through a plugin, and if the logout part is written, then maybe the login part could work too.
I could see the login function not being possible, especially if the MediaPortal configuration file is read before the plugins are loaded. If that's so I would still really love to get a plugin that would write the user's current config file to their directory on MP exit.