Multiple Instances of GUIAnimation (1 Viewer)


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  • October 24, 2011
    Hey guys,

    I am wondering if there is a best practice for when you want to display an image in a GUI control multiple times.

    I am working on a feature that will fill in the space between the jump points and the chapters with a different texture. As you can guess, the number of jumps is dynamic.

    In looking at the GUITVProgressControl, I can see where the fills are declared up top. However, all of the fills that are declared here occur only once. I would like to use the same image over and over again for each jump point.

    Should I have one private property as my template then create a local ArrayList with GuiAnimation's in it for the jump points? That seems like it would probably be OK, but I would like it to be as efficient as possible, and would like to avoid any chance at creating memory leaks.

    I hope that I am clear on my question. Thanks in advance.


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