Music Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 25, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi all,

I've had a dig thru the Music plugin section and played with the functionality of MP a bit and have been unable to find anything that suits my requirements.

What I'd like to be able to do is

1. Display my music collection in order of date i.e. most recently added items shown at the top. I keep all my music in folders dated YYYYMM indicating when they were added.

2. Also kick off a playlist of items with a specific rating (to be played randomly)

3. To play all my music randomly

Hopefully someone knows of a way of doing this either within MP or using a plugin.

Cheers JB


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  • December 17, 2006
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa
    Hi there :)

    You can go a long way in satisfying your wishlist with the current music functionality.

    The Auto Shuffle can be activated in the Playlist Settings.

    Then you can press the PLAY button (not OK/ENTER) to queue all items inside that level and shuffle it and starts to play.
    So be repeat - the OK button will drill down in the folders/hierarchy and the PLAY button will play everything inside.

    So in the Ratings Database views, you can press play an any rating.

    You also have options in the Database settings on how the DATES should be handled.

    Of course the Database views only work correctly if your music tags are properly populated with a tag editor before you update the database. See here for more great tips:

    And is the database view for some reason do not work for you, you can Switch View to Shares and just browse your folders. And the play and shuffle options will still work the same.

    Also check out the onebutton music plugin...

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