Music Video Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • April 28, 2009
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    Hi All

    Im looking for a plugin to manage my music videos, I know of the mVids plug in how ever it does seem to still be in development and i could never get it to work properly.

    here is a list of things I would like it to do...

    - Control it via a web interface or play movies on the main screen while the second screen is used for management.

    - Allow both video clips and MP3's to be added to the list and play a visual while and mp3 is being played.

    - Show a list of the next 10ish songs people have chosen and when there are no songs in the list just play random clips

    - Allow the use of filters such as filter by Artist album genre ect ect

    - simple interface so anyone can use it

    Here are some things i would it to do but not essential..

    - Download information from the net including album art ect ect or at the very least be able to read the album are and info in the MP3 ID tags or folders in the case of video clips

    - require a pin to remove songs from the play list

    - Expanded filters so things like most played, least played or new files

    Currently im using Winamp because so far i have not been able to find anything better, i would really love to get this integrated into media portal as at the moment its the only thing that i missing from my setup.

    If anyone knows of a plug in for media portal or another program that does something similar please let me know.



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  • April 28, 2009
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    I gave it another go today and the problem im having is that i cant get any of my files to load in the plugin no matter what combination i have of folder mask and folder or how i have organised my clips nothing gets displayed no error not nothing.

    my files are named as follows


    some have extra data on the end ie artist-title-001-jjjhotest100-2009.avi

    but from reading the forums for the plugin this should be ok

    the folders are very simple each artist has a separate folder with one call misc and a few others in groups ie jjjhotest100-2008

    The settings i have tried are as follows...

    select the root folder with no mask
    select the root folder with %artist% as the mask
    select the individual folder ie foo fighters with no mask
    select the individual folder ie foo fighters with %artist% as the mask

    when ever i scan for files it doesnt detect anything:(

    i dont know if this plugin will be exactly what im after however im pretty keen to get it working and give it a try

    ill keep trying to get the files to detect and keep searching the forums for solutions when i can :)


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  • December 31, 2006
    From memory (not at home at present) you need to specify to look in sub-folders. Will check tonight.

    My files are thus:


    I have various formats, avi, mkv etc, and all seem to work

    Not smart enough to go playing with masks etc. When I get home I will see if I can post some screenies of config.


    • Database.JPG
      181.4 KB
    • Config.JPG
      96.2 KB


    MP Donator
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  • April 28, 2009
    Home Country
    thanks for the ss i think you might have a different version of Mvids cause my config screen doesn't look the same as that

    im still keen to get mvids working and give it a try but i found this....

    BrowseAmp - control your music player with any browser via LAN

    its not longer in development which is a shame cause its a very good program and with a bit more tweaking and bug fixes would be perfect for what im after

    basically what it does it let you control winamp from a web page

    so i have winamp installed on my mediabox connected to my LCD and i have my laptop setup with the webpage running and then people can que up songs skip ect ect and have the videos and music running on the main screen

    like i said its no longer in development and can be a bit buggy but definitely work a look if your looking for a Party Jukebox Solution.

    anyway thanks for your help druid9

    ill post here again if i manage to get Mvids working but it take some time while i have a play with the winamp webinterface

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