Completed My Coolermaster htpc (1 Viewer)


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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Been an ongoing project for a few months but finally got around to getting some pics. Some are a bit blurry, sorry about that.

    Cabinet its in:

    Closeup (love the bluetacked on ir repeater on the foxtel box :) ):

    Front open (still trying to get a silver faceplate for that burner):


    Basically had to do a few changes to get the system silent (in a silent room its only audible from approx 1.5m away)

    *Changed the stock sempron hsf to a TT Silent boost, its got a different 80mm fan on it which does about 1400rpm.

    *Changed the Abit active chipset cooler to a Zalman passive chipset cooler.

    *Gigabyte 9250 VIVO cooler had to be the loudest fan in the case (30mm running at like 5000rpm) which I swapped for a Vantec copper chipset cooler. The fan in the copper cooler on does about 1000rpm which is fine for a video card which doesnt see any intensive work. Barely warm to touch after its been on, dont see the point of that 4k rpm fan on there.

    *Removed the dual 60mm exhaust fans (tried 6 different brands and all of them are too loud/whiney) and one 80mm exhaust (which faced a bad vent essentially making noise but moving no air). Hasnt effected temps too much, full load is about 44C for CPU, 32C case temp and hdd temp about 33C.


    On the outside thats a non-standard 80mm fan. The hdd is placed in such a way (can see in last pic) that it receives no ventillation. Considering how much a htpc uses the hdd, 55C for hours on end cant be good for it. Had to jigsaw that hole in the side, and drill some holes for the screws.

    That 80mm does about 1400rpm and pushes air directly over the hdd. Dropped the temp to about 30C.

    System specs

    Coolermaster Cavalier 3 desktop ATX case (300w generic PSU)
    AMD Sempron 2600+ (w/ TT Silent boost)
    Abit NF7-S V2 (zalman chipset cooler)
    768mb DDR400 Ram
    Seagate 120gig 8mb cache 7200.7 HDD
    Gigabyte 9250 VIVO 128mb Video card (vantec copper cooler)
    Onboard NForce2 soundstorm
    Onboard Nforce2 10/100mb NIC
    Hauppauge Nova-T 90002 DVB-T tuner card
    Hauppauge Wintv 150MCE analogue tuner card
    Belkin 125MB 11G wireless card
    Liteon 16x 1673S DVD burner
    Panasonic 1.44mb FDD

    Future upgrades

    Looking at getting another Nova-T as soon as this dual dvb card problem is sorted. Perhaps also putting a LCD/VFD into the front of the folding door.


    I think to see, that you have paste over the (very dazzling) blue LEDs with something. (?)

    I had the same problem: I have pull the plugs


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    klauspolenz said:
    I think to see, that you have paste over the (very dazzling) blue LEDs with something. (?)

    I had the same problem: I have pull the plugs

    Those blue LEDs are really annoying. I still haven't decided what to do with them.


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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Yes they are very bright. I put some purple opaque tape squares over them to make them less bright.

    Also got another Nova-T on order, should have it in a fews days.


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    Hi Callifo,

    I notice that you are using a Hauppauge Wintv 150MCE card - are you able to receive FM stations with this card via MediaPortal?

    I am looking for a suitable card to add to my MCPC to give me access to the FM stations, but I want to be able to access them via MediaPortal as I do with the DVB radio stations (ABC & SBS).


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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Yeh it works nicely. I remember seeing a low profile version (about 6 of them) on ebay for around $60 each, may want to check there first as thats very cheap. I bought mine for about $120 but I paid for a 250MCE and got sent a 150MCE (which according to newmagic is newer so that wasnt a problem - except being charged more :( )


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Great - although I didn't want to pay as much as $120.00 just to be able to receive FM radio stations.

    I already have a digital TV card, so I have no interest in the analogue TV capability of the card (except maybe to record from - but I would expect the quality to be inferior to digital). Did a search on eBay, but could only find low-profile versions from the US at AU$98.00 plus shipping..... :(

    So, just to confirm, you are able to receive all the Adelaide FM stations and select them through MediaPortal, and the quality of the sound is excellent?

    There is no facility to record (either immediately, or scheduled) a radio station within MediaPortal, is there?




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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Damn your right all 6 went in like a day, must have been a bargain :wink: Theres still this one (250MCE and it is a 250 because the code reads 32xxx 150's are 26xxx) but no idea what it could close at.

    Yes all the stations work perfectly, just autotune them in and assign them to the card. Can put icons and stuff to match as well.

    It has a slight hiss (very light) but thats without an antenna (ie it uses the tv antenna). Hiss is removed when using the supplied antenna but we havent done that at the moment because I cant get any decent quality cable joiners. We hooked up the supplied antenna inside the roof so its not hanging anywhere noticable until I broke the only cable joiner we had.

    No recording facilities yet no, I believe thats planned for the new tv engine.


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  • February 23, 2005
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    OK, I will see if I can get that one (the PVR 250MCE) for under $60.... :D

    I assume that its FM performance is the same as the one you have.


    Hey guys you do realize that Most aussie (if not all) FM radio channels stream and are increasing the bit rate for said stream. I can tune into each states radio stations from Triple MMM in eastern states to 96fm in W.A.

    Also get AM stations at good bitrate.

    i suppose you need interent on HTPC though,but why wouldn't you?

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