Area: Media Portal Program / Hardware
MP Version: 0.2 RC2 - CVS 2006-02-20
Skin: Razor
Windows Version: Windows XP Media Center Edition
CPU Type: Intel Centrino 2.13Ghz
Memory: 1024MB
Motherboard Chipset: Mobile Intel 915GM
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce Go 6600
Video Card Driver: 78.92
Video Card Resolution: 1440x900
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: TOSHIBA MPEG-2 Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
TV Card: TOSHIBA PCI DVB-T/Analog Hybrid Tuner
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver:
In MP 0.2 RC2 the tuner card worked fine but in the latest CVS i got a varning that said MP could not find my hardware, that i needed to reconfigure. Now all i get when trying to add a card is "No video capture card(s) were found, you won't be able to configure a capture card"
The log shows that MP can see it tho:
2006-02-20 02:41:05 device:TOSHIBA Analog Video Capture id
2006-02-20 02:41:05 device:TOSHIBA DVB-T BDA Capture id
2006-02-20 02:41:05 Found capture #0 card:TOSHIBA Analog Video Capture moniker
2006-02-20 02:41:05 Found capture #1 card:TOSHIBA DVB-T BDA Capture moniker
Sorry but the info said not to post CVS bugs here but i can't wait for someone to wake up on IRC. Hope my report can be helpful or maybe i'm just an idiot that missed something.
// Duragizer
MP Version: 0.2 RC2 - CVS 2006-02-20
Skin: Razor
Windows Version: Windows XP Media Center Edition
CPU Type: Intel Centrino 2.13Ghz
Memory: 1024MB
Motherboard Chipset: Mobile Intel 915GM
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce Go 6600
Video Card Driver: 78.92
Video Card Resolution: 1440x900
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: TOSHIBA MPEG-2 Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
TV Card: TOSHIBA PCI DVB-T/Analog Hybrid Tuner
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver:
In MP 0.2 RC2 the tuner card worked fine but in the latest CVS i got a varning that said MP could not find my hardware, that i needed to reconfigure. Now all i get when trying to add a card is "No video capture card(s) were found, you won't be able to configure a capture card"
The log shows that MP can see it tho:
2006-02-20 02:41:05 device:TOSHIBA Analog Video Capture id
2006-02-20 02:41:05 device:TOSHIBA DVB-T BDA Capture id
2006-02-20 02:41:05 Found capture #0 card:TOSHIBA Analog Video Capture moniker
2006-02-20 02:41:05 Found capture #1 card:TOSHIBA DVB-T BDA Capture moniker
Sorry but the info said not to post CVS bugs here but i can't wait for someone to wake up on IRC. Hope my report can be helpful or maybe i'm just an idiot that missed something.
// Duragizer