My programs - show extensions (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 29, 2008
Home Country
Slovakia Slovakia
Hi MediaPortal members,

I have question about My Programs plugin. I use this plugin like file browser whit this settings:
3 chlids - type Directory-Browse

Title: Local disk
Laun. app: <none>
Startup using ShellExecute: <yes>
Wait for exit: <yes>
Startup directory: <none>
Quotes around Files: <yes>
File Directory: D:\
File Extensions: <all which I know>

Title: CD/DVD
Laun. app: <none>
Startup using ShellExecute: <yes>
Wait for exit: <yes>
Startup directory: <none>
Quotes around Files: <yes>
File Directory: E:\
File Extensions: <all which I know>

Title: Removable disk
Laun. app: <none>
Startup using ShellExecute: <yes>
Wait for exit: <yes>
Startup directory: <none>
Quotes around Files: <yes>
File Directory: G:\
File Extensions: <all which I know>

It works fine, runs everything, searching in folders like normal windows explorer.
But I can't recognize if it is folder of file, because it doesn't show file extensions and icons nex to file name or folder name.
Is it possible to update My programs to show file extensions or differ graphic icons for folders at least?

Thank you for your answer

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