[fixed] My Videos Does Not Resume Ripped BluRay Position (1 Viewer)


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  • January 17, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    For my ripped BD on my HDD, it does not resume where I stopped.

    Open MP --> Go To My Videos --> Select a ripped BD [Alice and Wonderland in this case]
    Play from begining (Option 1)
    Select the video (no menu on the ripped BD) (Option 2)
    Skip ahead 5 Minutes (this step is option, but do it to prove a point)
    Play again
    Resume playback (Option 2)
    Forced to select Menu or Title (Select Title again, option 2)
    Starts from the begining

    If this is already known, delete this thread.

    Also where is the list of known bugs so I do not create more work for moderators?


    • Resume1.png
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    • Resume2.png
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi :)

    There is a workaround for resume BD (the resume only works for ripped BD or Title mode) in ADDON-V2 branch.
    This should be merged for beta and then it will work, but need to review that part of code with Tourette :p

    The resume windows appear before the the context menu (where "Menu / Title" etc.).
    That mean user can select the resume part but if you select "Menu", resume will be reset.
    The best way will be to display resume context menu only after select Title mode. (that not the case).
    But i can confirm on actual alpha (no resume supported).



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    You can try attached dll :)
    backup your actual one and copy the new one :p


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    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    It might not be possible to add that addition (resume part) into 1.3.0 since it wont work consistently. There is no resume support for menu mode in libbluray so users couldn't still resume Blu-rays correctly in multiple cases:

    1) user starts Blu-ray in menu mode and stops playback in some spot -> playback position gets saved. Now if user resumes he/she should know what title the stop was done and select exactly the same title to be able to resume correctly (quite unintuitive, almost impossible to know if Blu-ray has multiple titles)

    2) user starts Blu-ray in title mode and stops playback in some spot-> playback position gets saved. Now similar "user memory" is required for the resume operation as it is for case #1

    3) user starts Blu-ray in menu mode and stops playback in some spot in some extra feature or intro clip -> playback position gets saved. MP UI shows that movie would have been played for some amount, which is clearly incorrect as the movie hasn't even played at all.

    Unfortunately those kind of issues cannot be fixed until the libbluray has support for resume.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I'm agree with you :)
    I would like to say that user that use BDHandler use his/her memory to remember the title to play.
    Even, if user select a wrong title, he know the the time to seek (because it was just display).
    For sure would be nice to see a fix in libbluray side but until that maybe we could push it for beta.
    The fix is really simple, actually it try to resume with DVD code and it should use movie player one, so the fix consist to detect if it's a bluray or dvd and send use the correct code part :p

    Maybe we can do it like this (only for title mode) display resume only on title and on the correct title.
    That mean we need to save somewhere the last title played and maybe display it like we have in myvideo (percentage) but it should be displayed on title list.

    Or not :)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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