My Weather questions (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
June 19, 2006
Is it possible to change the display name for cities? Since the 'international' names used on for Finnish cities do not include Scandinavian characters, I'd like to change them, and in some cases use the name of a smaller town close to a city.
Would it be possible to include a 'Display name' property for each city in the Setup?

Another thing; it seems the plugin fetches new data only when you actually open it. If that takes some time the screen will actually freeze for a while.
Would it be possible to
a) make sure the weather screen is opened first, then start the fetch
or (much better)
b) in advance fetch the weather data asynchronously in the background

I'm setting up my first HTPC with MediaPortal, so of course I might have missed something obvious in the forums. ;) Hopefully somebody will be able to help.


Portal Pro
May 18, 2005
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Sweden Sweden
RubaDuck7 said:
Is it possible to change the display name for cities? Since the 'international' names used on for Finnish cities do not include Scandinavian characters, I'd like to change them, and in some cases use the name of a smaller town close to a city.

Haven't tried this myself yet but I think it should work:
Open your MediaPortal.xml file and search for "city0".
Change the name to whatever you like.


Portal Member
June 19, 2006
Almost worked. Maybe this qualifies as a bug. ;)

- I added the city 'Turku, Finland'.
- Then I edited Mediaportal.xml, replacing 'Turku, Finland' with 'Ã…bo' (the swedish name which contains a Scandinavian character).
- After this, Mediaportal does not start, only flashes the splash screen for a second.
- Changing 'Ã…bo' to 'Abo' allows MediaPortal to start properly again.
- On the weather screen, the same 'Turku, Finland' text is displayed.
- Selecting 'City' brings up the selection dialog with the item name 'Abo' displayed.

So changing the text in the xml file only updates the UI partially (in the least visible part ;) and Scandinavian chars stops the show completely(!).

Hopefully some kind soul will improve things, for instance by adding the aforementioned display name property. :)


Portal Pro
April 26, 2006
Home Country
Greece Greece
maybe you need to set the correct code page in the xml begining...


Portal Pro
May 4, 2006
yea if u go to weather it takes some time to display it

but u can just do this go to weather go back to home then back to weather and it will be updated this way u can see the weather in less then a second

maybe the devs can make it show the info faster because the info is already there


Portal Member
June 19, 2006
Hopefully. It would make sense to assume that at some point the user will want to check the weather, and therefore fetch it well in advance without it being triggered by the weather screen being opened.

The PC's not working at 100% most of the time anyway, so it's better to do these kind of things when nobodys waiting for the info this very second.


Portal Pro
June 23, 2006
Kent, England
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
yeah with the My Weather plug in, i have my city as London, yet when i go to Images > Satallite, it shows a rainfall radar for east europe, no where near the UK


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  • February 16, 2005
    EMKO said:
    yea if u go to weather it takes some time to display it

    but u can just do this go to weather go back to home then back to weather and it will be updated this way u can see the weather in less then a second

    maybe the devs can make it show the info faster because the info is already there

    I was experimenting with this a few days ago with the latest SVN.
    I had a lot of downloads going, so the net was way slow.
    I found that if I opened weather and then went to a different screen the "working" graphic was displayed. If I went back to weather while the graphic was still on screen then MP would crash. If I waited until the graphic had finished (meaning that the data had been downloaded) then all worked fine. I'm guessing this must be a result of multithreading and when going back to the screen too early you end up with two threads for the same pocess. This is, of course, a wild guess.

    Also, I think the Weather data was supposed to update in the back ground whenever MP is open, because isn't there an option in config that sets ho often to grab data? If so, then it doesn't seem to be working as you would imagine...


    Portal Pro
    May 4, 2006
    hmm strange doesnt crash for me it just shows the info faster that way. but yea it would be cool if it updated the weather info while MP is running so that when u go to weather it has the info and doesnt need to update

    for me i see the updateing graphic but when i do that trick it shows the info faster then just waiting for it to finish


    Portal Pro
    May 13, 2005
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Geon106 said:
    yeah with the My Weather plug in, i have my city as London, yet when i go to Images > Satallite, it shows a rainfall radar for east europe, no where near the UK

    That is default behaviour, you have to set pictures for each image yourselfwith mediportal configuation tool. The city is only used or fetching the weather forecast.

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