Myblaster help needed (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 8, 2006
Area: Media Portal Plugins
MediaPortal Version: RC4 (2006-04-18 )
MediaPortal Skin: MCE
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: NVIDIA Audio Decoder
Video Codec: NVIDIA Video Decoder
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 2400+
Memory: 2 GB
Motherboard: A7N8X-X (ASUSTeK Computer INC.)
Video Card Model: Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 (128 MB)
Video Card Driver: -
Video Card Resolution: 1024x768
Video Render Type: -
Audio Card Model: NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio
Audio Card Driver: -

Can anyone help me with MyBlaster as I cannot get it to work on my system, it shows the main screen but when I click the learn button it just does not seem to work correctly, it comes up with its little count down and recognises when I press a button on my remote but then it just jumps down about 2 numbers and if I click back on them it has something stored for both (it is like it is seeing 2 button presses).

Also I can only run the blaster.exe with a reboot of my PC, if I use MCE (which I have) I can then not use MyBlaster as it crashes and gives me an error message.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me as I want to use MP but looks like I cannot (I hope this is just something silly I am missing)

here is the blaster.log
10/05/2006 11:44:57 Form1.LoadConfig: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
10/05/2006 11:45:42 Form1.LoadConfig: Could not find file 'F:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\myblaster.dat'.

I get the first error even if I have a myblaster.dat file, which created at somepoint but is only 3k in size, if I close and reload the app it looses anything I have put in it.

All I need to do is get MP to change my STB channels and I am sorted

Here's hoping someone can help.


Portal Member
May 4, 2006
This may sound obvious but I'll mention it anyway.

Make sure that you are not using any other IR device such as IR mouse or keyboard for navigation when setting up myblaster to learn your remote control. I know of one person who was trying to do the myblaster learning process and was using an IR mouse which of course was interfering with the myblasters attempt to learn the remote control.


Portal Member
May 8, 2006
I have had to give up on trying to get it to work as I cannot get any control over my STB's.

I do have theory as to why though, when I setup Media Centre it allowed me to select that I had no remote for the STB's and it then listed a load of manufactures and under each one was a set of codes which I assume are different IR code sets, I have to do it this way as I have to use a Red-Eye Remote to translate to IRDA for my STB's. So when I send a command to the IR receiver it does not just output that code it converts it to the IR code that I selected on setup then outputs that to my STB's. When I select my STB Manufacturer there are 6 or 7 different codes that can be selected and only 1 of them works. This is all due to my Digital supplier using boxes that are a pain and not standard IR but if this could be solved then it would make Media Portal usable for more people that are on UK telewest or NTL my STB is made by PACE.

Just a thought I could be well of but it seem to make sense to me.

Oh and no I dont use anything else that is IR most of my kit is bluetooth apart from the MCE keyboard with is not in the same room anyway, thanks for the suggestion, at least some one has tried to help......

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