OK I see the error in the mpi package file and just submit a new file : There are errors on directory skin names for MediaStream and StreamedMP in my package names are Mediastream and Streamed MP (with a blank between Streamed and MP). So those skins files aren't selected by default by the mpi installer as names differ. Can you re-install the mpi package and select the Mediastream skins files ?Of course! Coverart is working fine with B3! Attached are files from "MediaStream by pilehave v.0.9" !
Bigfor your great work with this plugin!
Best regards
Can you try with those files :Same issue for me, regardless if I use the files from Streamed MP or Mediastream (I use streamed mp) All data shows fine (although I had to manually change some labels from french to english (#duree to #length etc.) on the details sheet) so does the cover (#picture) on the details page. However, the cover does not show on the main page, although the label (#picture) is there. It does show the generic cover though.
I am using a grouped, then list view and thanks for implementing the added option for sorting (by rating) for these in the current version!
No, the same effect with those unfortunately. However, if I replace my mesfilms.dll for the old one (was running 4.7.9f if I'm correct, although it states 4.7.7 attached) the cover shows correct with these skinfiles and the original skin files.
Hope that helps