I am trying to develop a gadgets plugin that is to be used in my new kitchen. That is, a plugin that shows a summary on one screen from many parts of the MP system which is simple enough to be navigated by a touch screen. It will be some kind of a basic MP setup with all the essential information on one screen. This should be fully configurable to the user which should be able to add, remove and order these "gadgets" (which is small code blocks that retreaves spesific information from the system/plugins). It will also have shortcuts to the plugins shown. For example, if you click the current weather picture the wather plgin should be loaded.
My vision is a kitchen screen that shows today´s agenda from Google Calendar (open API), displays any new emails (myMail plugin?), upcoming TV-sows (bublic methods in mp-core), today´s recordings (should be ok to retreave) and the current wather. Also it would be neat with a scrolling rss feed on the lower end of the screen displaying today´s news and the "Now playing" thing from basic home. Also, more "gadgets" should be easily added.
I am new to C# so i need some help getting started. So I have some questions I hope someone will take time to answer since I think this could be a cool feature which enables MP to be used in other settings than the living room:
1. Is this plugin possible? I have not yet started developing the information retreaval parts which i think is the most complex ones.
2. There are quite a few public metods which can be used to harvest information from the TV-database class, such as "get today´s recordings" and "get the next /current 10 tv-shows". But these return booleans rather than arrays/objects which I find logical. Do any1 know of some code examples describing this sort of information retreaval.
3. The plugins are giving me a headache as these contain no public methods. Take myWeather for example. What is the best way of just extracting the current weather image (the sun/rain/cloudy one) and the temperature without duplicating the code in my plugin? The same with the rss plugin.
4. How do I define scrolling text in the xml file? Need this for the scrolling rss feed
5. I have planned to make a Java config program that just modifies the xml file. This will lead to little extra information retreavlel since the "gadgets" will all run but the user decides who will be visible on the screen. Is there any better way of doing this?
6. Other inputs? How this should be done or what this plugin shold be able to do?
If anyone else with C# experience wants to join my development you are herby invited!
My vision is a kitchen screen that shows today´s agenda from Google Calendar (open API), displays any new emails (myMail plugin?), upcoming TV-sows (bublic methods in mp-core), today´s recordings (should be ok to retreave) and the current wather. Also it would be neat with a scrolling rss feed on the lower end of the screen displaying today´s news and the "Now playing" thing from basic home. Also, more "gadgets" should be easily added.
I am new to C# so i need some help getting started. So I have some questions I hope someone will take time to answer since I think this could be a cool feature which enables MP to be used in other settings than the living room:
1. Is this plugin possible? I have not yet started developing the information retreaval parts which i think is the most complex ones.
2. There are quite a few public metods which can be used to harvest information from the TV-database class, such as "get today´s recordings" and "get the next /current 10 tv-shows". But these return booleans rather than arrays/objects which I find logical. Do any1 know of some code examples describing this sort of information retreaval.
3. The plugins are giving me a headache as these contain no public methods. Take myWeather for example. What is the best way of just extracting the current weather image (the sun/rain/cloudy one) and the temperature without duplicating the code in my plugin? The same with the rss plugin.
4. How do I define scrolling text in the xml file? Need this for the scrolling rss feed
5. I have planned to make a Java config program that just modifies the xml file. This will lead to little extra information retreavlel since the "gadgets" will all run but the user decides who will be visible on the screen. Is there any better way of doing this?
6. Other inputs? How this should be done or what this plugin shold be able to do?
If anyone else with C# experience wants to join my development you are herby invited!