MyNetflix Issue - Doesn't Return to MP after Exit (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 23, 2010
I know I brought this up in the actual MyNetflix thread, but figured it might be some more views if I made my own.

I initially had this issue with MP 1.1.1, and it is still occurring with MP 1.2.0 Alpha.

Basically, after exiting out of the MyNetflix "browser window" (the one that plays the video), MP does not come back up. In fact, some strange issue occurs where the bottom taskbar (this is a windows 7 home premium x 64 machine) disappears completely, leaving behind only the little windows "ribbon" (i.e. the start button).

I've tried changing the browser window to firefox, same issue.

At this point I basically can't use the plugin because to get my screen back to a fully functional state (i.e. get the taskbar to come back) I have to restart the machine. Opening MP (I can see my desktop, so I put a MP icon there so I could get back in) and then exiting out also doesn't fix anything.

I thought maybe uninstalling the plugin and reinstalling might help, but I also can't figure out how to uninstall it (doesn't show up under the extension installer).

Any thoughts? What other information do you guys need to help diagnose this (using newest version of StreamedMP as my skin)


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    I know I brought this up in the actual MyNetflix thread, but figured it might be some more views if I made my own.

    I initially had this issue with MP 1.1.1, and it is still occurring with MP 1.2.0 Alpha.

    Basically, after exiting out of the MyNetflix "browser window" (the one that plays the video), MP does not come back up. In fact, some strange issue occurs where the bottom taskbar (this is a windows 7 home premium x 64 machine) disappears completely, leaving behind only the little windows "ribbon" (i.e. the start button).

    I've tried changing the browser window to firefox, same issue.

    At this point I basically can't use the plugin because to get my screen back to a fully functional state (i.e. get the taskbar to come back) I have to restart the machine. Opening MP (I can see my desktop, so I put a MP icon there so I could get back in) and then exiting out also doesn't fix anything.

    I thought maybe uninstalling the plugin and reinstalling might help, but I also can't figure out how to uninstall it (doesn't show up under the extension installer).

    Any thoughts? What other information do you guys need to help diagnose this (using newest version of StreamedMP as my skin)

    Hey DGalt,
    Do you have the "Always on top" checkbox checked in the General tab? That is usually the issue (search the My Netflix thread for always on top and I think it is the same issue.) See this post here ->

    Post back if you are still having issues. Also, please post your COMPLETE log files (i.e. MediaPortal.log & Error.log) after you recreate the error.

    Wile E.


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2010
    Hey there,

    Sorry for the delayed response, I do a fresh reinstall of MP 1.2.0 Alpha to see if it cleared up some of the issues I've been having. So now, my taskbar doesn't disappear anymore, but MP doesn't return when I exit the player. It's still running, I can see it in my system tray, but it doesn't restore to fullscreen after exiting the player. And yes, Keep MP on top is (and has been) checked.

    I'm not entirely sure how where to find the log files, I'll figure that out and post them.

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