MyNetflix Plugin won't play on TV monitor? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 24, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
My problem:
  • I can't seem to get the MyNetflix plugin to play on my second monitor (TV).

  • When I load My Netflix it opens on both my computer and my monitor with no problems but when I try to play a movie from my instant que an IE window opens on my computer but nothing happens on my TV monitor. I wonder if I am doing something wrong or if this is just the way the program works. Since I have heard so many good things about this program I am assuming that I am doing something wrong or perhaps my hardware just doesn't support such a thing. Any ideas?

Some information that may or may not be useful:
  • Some years ago (using the exact same computer and hardware) I used to be able to watch streaming videos online which would play on my secondary monitor (TV) when I made them full screen on my computer browser. Now, since this didn't work with every online streaming video (for example, it streamed videos from ABC and FOX but not CBS) I assumed this was dependent not on my hardware but on the software used by these online sites. This no longer seems to work for any online streaming videos. I am assuming this is due to their software change and not my hardware limitations (perhaps it's a little of both?).
  • In an effort to improve computer performance I have disabled a lot of my computer services. I don;t think that I have disabled anything that would make this streaming to my second monitor malfunction but I suppose it it a possibility.

Hardware/Software I am running:
  • XP SP3
  • Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 (latest drivers and program management software)
  • Mediaportal 1.1.0 Final!!


New Member
December 29, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Hello ziggynj24,
Did you set your TV Monitor as the primary monitor? It needs to be the primary in order to work and expand to the "Full Screen" setting.


Portal Member
June 24, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
Hey Bp,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I do know about the full screen on the primary monitor (well, now I do) but I'm not sure that can work since I currently use my primary monitor for all of my computer needs (internet, word processing email...). If I set my desktop as my secondary monitor won't all applications automatically open on the primary monitor (the TV)? If there's a work around for this I'd love to hear it. Otherwise I will just drag the netflix window from my desktop to my TV on the occasion that I plan to use it...that is until 2.0 comes out!!!

Thanks again,



New Member
December 29, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Hello Ziggy,
It is true that at first all the applications will open on the TV (the primary monitor), but after you use them Windows will save the last opened location. Therefore you should be able to open the application, move it to the second screen, and then close it. When you opent it again the app should open on the secondary monitor. This doesn't work for all applications, but it does work for things like Outlook, IE, and Firefox. The only time I really have a problem with that is if I connect something to the computer like a USB Drive. That causes the generic Windows device prompt to come up on the main screen. Otherwise I just moved all my applications once and Windows saved the last closed location for me.
I think there are other applications too, like UltraMon, that may help. I don't know how well they will work or if they will cause any issues with Mediaportal, but it may be an option.
Good luck and I hope this helps.

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