one improvment in MyPrograms that would be great IMHO:
In the file list, it would be great to be able to separate the
displayed itemname from the filename!!
Example in MAME:
The files are ZIPs that contain all the needed ROM dumps for one
game. The name of the zip archive is not very self-explanatory, but
it is used in MAME as an identifier and cannot be changed.
MAME handles those roms and attaches info to it. Of course this is
mame-specific stuff, but it would be cool to have file-independent
attributes like
in the database!
These additional attributes should be generic enough that they can be used
for every MyProgram-item!
To get an idea, maybe have a look at myGames (a utility that generates one
special myHTPC module out of a specific rom-list) here: http://www.getmygames.com/
This tool has some minor glitches (though I didn't check out the latest version), but it works fine has some very cool ideas...
Maybe it would be possible to import data from a "*.my" file into the MP database?
Did anybody already have a look at this? If not I will
If yes I'd be happy to hear experiences...
Any comments?
one improvment in MyPrograms that would be great IMHO:
In the file list, it would be great to be able to separate the
displayed itemname from the filename!!
Example in MAME:
The files are ZIPs that contain all the needed ROM dumps for one
game. The name of the zip archive is not very self-explanatory, but
it is used in MAME as an identifier and cannot be changed.
MAME handles those roms and attaches info to it. Of course this is
mame-specific stuff, but it would be cool to have file-independent
attributes like
in the database!
These additional attributes should be generic enough that they can be used
for every MyProgram-item!
To get an idea, maybe have a look at myGames (a utility that generates one
special myHTPC module out of a specific rom-list) here: http://www.getmygames.com/
This tool has some minor glitches (though I didn't check out the latest version), but it works fine has some very cool ideas...
Maybe it would be possible to import data from a "*.my" file into the MP database?
Did anybody already have a look at this? If not I will
If yes I'd be happy to hear experiences...
Any comments?