MyShares plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2007
    planet ASPARAGUS
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi all,

    this is a plugin that scans the local network for accessible shares and media. They will be added to the video, music and pictures virtual directories, so that they appear inside MP.

    All shares will be scanned for file names whose extensions match the configured extension templates (in configuration, media types videos, pictures, music). If a directory contains any matching files, the network share itself will be added dynamically to the virtual directory. For each media type, minimum and maximum file sizes can also be configured, e.g. if only videos wih a minimum size should be considered. Also, if necessary, server and share names can be excluded completely be their names.

    Currently it should work only with videos. This is a limitation caused not by the plugin, but by the implementation of virtual directories for music and pictures inside MP.

    Have fun, let me know if it works for you.

    Kind regards,

    • the views do not update dynamically. Changes become visible the next time you navigate to that view.
    • does not work with pictures and music (yet?). This would require a change in the MP code.

    initial release
    + improved detection of media types
    + improved validation of dynamically added shares


    • videos.png
      524.2 KB
    • config.JPG
      18.9 KB
    • MyShares.mpe1
      14.5 KB

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