MySlideShows Plugin - PowerPoint meets MP [UPDATE v0.3] (1 Viewer)

Mr. Turner

Portal Member
June 19, 2005
MySlideShows - Version 0.3

Summary: My Slideshows is a plugin that uses the Microsoft PIA�s to display your PowerPoint
presentations and automates viewing them. Basically this means that you can select
your PowerPoint presentation in a list, view details of it and start it from your
Media Portal.

* You need to have a slideshow viewer installed to view the slideshows.
Current options are Office 2003 or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2003. See installation instructions.
* See installation instructions in the MySlideShows Readme.pdf file

* Binary:
* Source Code (C#):


Version 0.3
* Added support for shares
* Created the PowerPoint Tag Editor

Version 0.2.1
* Slideshow details are viewed even when PowerPoint 2003 is not installed on the system.
* Slideshow details are shown a lot faster.
* You can chose which Viewer you want to use. Currently only Office 2003 and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 (free) are supported. OpenOffice is for version 0.3.
* If a media file is playing, it gets paused while the presentation is playing.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the slideshow browser from scrolling
* Fixed a bug: the wrong office.dll and
* Fixed a bug: when a music file is playing for example the little screen overlaps the launch button.

Italic is new in v. 0.2.1

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.dll were included in 0.1

Use this thread to submit bugs, feature requests, suggestions, ...


Mr. Turner


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 30, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi this looks nice :)

    I haven't installed office2003 on my MP-box, but now I have a good reason to do so.

    Feature request: View thumbnails

    PS. havent tried it yet, but saw the screenshots... :oops:

    Mr. Turner

    Portal Member
    June 19, 2005
    View thumbnails? Do you mean like an image of the first slide that appears in the info section?

    Thanks for looking at it.

    Mr. Turner


    Not Working


    First i didnt have the Myslideshows in plugins configuration.
    I have copy it to plugins/process and i had the plugin available but now i have followed your pdf steps and it does not display My Slideshows in MP window.

    So... any help apreciated


    Mr. Turner

    Portal Member
    June 19, 2005
    Normally, you should have the MySlideShows.dll in your plugins/windows directory.
    The office.dll and Interop.PowerPoint.dll go into your MediaPortal dir.
    You have to enable it in the configuration (MediaPortal > Configure) and also make sure you have checked the home checkbox for MySlideShows.
    Are there errors in one of the logs?

    Mr. Turner


    Nothing yet

    Thanks for tips...

    I had to change the directories of some files..
    Links ok now.. but...

    If i have a list of PPS (1/35) pages.. nothing appens when i change to page 2, 3 etc etc.. displaying always page 1 icons.

    If i click on a PPS nothing appens...(it flash like it tries to read but nothing appens)
    No errors on Log

    Keep up the good work

    Mr. Turner

    Portal Member
    June 19, 2005
    Re: Nothing yet

    Goahead said:
    If i have a list of PPS (1/35) pages.. nothing appens when i change to page 2, 3 etc etc.. displaying always page 1 icons.

    I've fixed that bug. I've also updated the binary zip and source zip (see 1st post).

    Goahead said:
    If i click on a PPS nothing happens...(it flash like it tries to read but nothing appens)
    I can't reproduce that. But in the new version I've made it so that every time it opens a PPT/PPS it logs it in the MediaPortal.log. So check if it mentions it like 'PowerPoint "<the filepath>" loaded'.

    Mr. Turner


    Not yet

    Hi Turner
    Change page is Ok now...
    But no PPS/PPT displayed yet...
    (it seems to try to open it.. but just a small flash)
    No error Log created
    Here is MP Log.

    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Mediaportal is starting up
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 verify that directx 9 is installed
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 HCW: Could not find registry entries for driver components! (Not installed?)
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Check if mediaportal is already started
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 delete old log\capture.log file...
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Check skin version
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Init playlist player
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 creating the WINLIRC device
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Initialising WinLirc...
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Winlirc process not found
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 done creating the WINLIRC device
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 Init players
    01-07-2005 17:42:55 initializing DirectX
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 texturemanager:dispose()
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 TexturePacker:Dispose()
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 load localized strings from:language\Portuguese\strings.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:102016 text:Notification
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:102015 text:Mini Menu
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:102009 text:confused:election dialog
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:25001 text:Waiting for Page {0:X}...!
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:107701 text:My TV/Teletext
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:107700 text:My TV/Teletext
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:13013 text:Loading video, please wait
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:100760 text:My Burner
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:100758 text:File dialog
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:103007 text:My TV/Zap OSD
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:103006 text:My TV/MSN OSD
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:103003 text:My TV/OSD
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:12902 text:MSN Messenger OSD
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:987 text:Years
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:986 text:Retrieving actor
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:985 text:Retrieving movies details
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:984 text:Retrieving movies
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:983 text:My Playlists
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:892 text:Conflicts
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:891 text:confused:elect TV Channel
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:889 text:All episodes
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:888 text:Episodes Management
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:887 text:confused:pecify number of episodes to keep
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:886 text:Default
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:885 text:High
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:884 text:Medium
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:883 text:Low
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:882 text:Quality setting
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:881 text:Choose recording to stop:
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:880 text:Time to record:
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:879 text:Recording conflict
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:878 text:confused:torage
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:877 text:priorities
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:876 text:Until manual stop
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:875 text:Current program
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:550 text:Crop
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:532 text:Audio disc inserted, do you want to open it?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:531 text:Movie disc inserted, do you want to open it?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:530 text:photo disc inserted, do you want to open it?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:518 text:Delete this song?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:517 text:Fatal error, action not completed
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:516 text:Unable to delete destination file, action not completed
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:515 text:Error deleting folder, action not completed
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:514 text:Error creating folder, action not completed
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:513 text:Item is protected, action not completed
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:512 text:Never
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:511 text:Always
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:510 text:Cancel
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:509 text:Destination File exists. Overwrite File ?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:508 text:To
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:507 text:items
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:506 text:Are you sure?
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:505 text:Calculating
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:504 text:Goto destination
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:503 text:Delete this folder
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:502 text:Unable to complete action
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:501 text:confused:et as destination
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:500 text:File menu
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:492 text:Audio language
    01-07-2005 17:42:56 language file:language\Portuguese\strings.xml is missing entry for id:299 text:Runtime:
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load fonts from skin\mce\fonts.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-255] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load skin mce
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 LoadWindowPlugins()
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\DotMSN.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\MySlideShows.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Opening music database
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 music database opened
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 Loading references from skin\mce\references.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:57 original skin size:720x576
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Init MPScript
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 opening tvdatabase
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 tvdatabase opened
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 xml:skin\mce\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 xml:skin\mce\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 WindowManager.Load
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 load calibration720x576.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 WindowManager.Preinitialize
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 xml:skin\mce\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\hover_my plugins.png total:1 mem left:244318208
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 skin initialized
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 DX9 size: 720x576
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 video ram left:238592 KByte
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 running...
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Recorder: no capture cards found. Use file->setup to setup tvcapture!
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 detected new xmltv\tvguide->import new tvguide
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 xmltv import C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\xmltv\tvguide.xml
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 xmltv data file was not found
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 import done
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 PlugInManager.Load()
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Load plugins from :plugins\process\MyBackgroundTv.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 PlugInManager.Start()
    01-07-2005 17:42:58 MyBackgroundTV plugin started - delay = 5000
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 key:13 0xD (2)
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 xml:skin\mce\myslideshows.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:myslideshows_logo.png
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 Texturemanager loaded temporay:myslideshows_logo.png 467x100 format:A8R8G8B8
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 texturemanager:added:myslideshows_logo.png total:2 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:01 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows init
    01-07-2005 17:43:03 MyBackgroundTV.Worker: Unable to find type, type=My TV
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows deinit
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 texturemanager:dispose:myslideshows_logo.png frames:1 total:3 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 xml:skin\mce\myslideshowinfo.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:myslideshows_logo.png
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 Texturemanager loaded temporay:myslideshows_logo.png 467x100 format:A8R8G8B8
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 texturemanager:added:myslideshows_logo.png total:2 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShowInfo init
    01-07-2005 17:43:08 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows init
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows deinit
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 texturemanager:dispose:myslideshows_logo.png frames:1 total:3 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 Texturemanager loaded temporay:myslideshows_logo.png 467x100 format:A8R8G8B8
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 texturemanager:added:myslideshows_logo.png total:2 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShowInfo init
    01-07-2005 17:43:10 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows init
    01-07-2005 17:43:13 key:27 0x1B (2)
    01-07-2005 17:43:13 window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MySlideShows.MySlideShows deinit
    01-07-2005 17:43:13 texturemanager:dispose:myslideshows_logo.png frames:1 total:3 mem left:226492416
    01-07-2005 17:43:13 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    01-07-2005 17:43:13 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    01-07-2005 17:43:14 Mediaportal.OnExit()
    01-07-2005 17:43:14 PlugInManager.Stop()
    01-07-2005 17:43:14 Mediaportal.OnExit()
    01-07-2005 17:43:14 MediaPortal done
    01-07-2005 17:43:14 open folderdatabase



    i think

    I think its a Myslideshowinfo.xml problem, since i cant go to that page after i click on a pps/ppt file.

    I click a file and i see on top MP window (blue top window) saying "Home", its like i click to enter on a file to that page but it exits back to myslideshows.xml like if i have pressed ESC.

    Like i said no 'PowerPoint "<the filepath>" in MP log.


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