Would anyone be able to do this?
I saw it on meedio and I just love it and can't stop playing it, so i've actually started to use meedio more that MP, just because of this game.
Meedio is, other than that not a solution for me, because i've got problems with listening to my music (i've got mp3pro, so i need playback through winamp), and when i try to play movies, that program hangs.
So, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease make that game for MP and I will be grateful to you till the end of my life :mrgreen:
I saw it on meedio and I just love it and can't stop playing it, so i've actually started to use meedio more that MP, just because of this game.
Meedio is, other than that not a solution for me, because i've got problems with listening to my music (i've got mp3pro, so i need playback through winamp), and when i try to play movies, that program hangs.
So, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease make that game for MP and I will be grateful to you till the end of my life :mrgreen: