Need a hand with the standard MediaPortal GUI controls (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
September 6, 2006
Nantes, FR
hello everyone,

I'm programming a mail plugin for mediaportal and I've got a few questions regarding the standard GUI Controls provided with the Mediaportal guilib.

-First, I would need a way to visually select some items in a list. GUICheckListControl would be fine but it seems that I can't toggle the un-/selected state without hijacking keystrokes and intercepting mouse coordinates on click.
EDIT: there is the MyMusic way of doing things: put selected items in a playlist. Not really user-friendly for a non-multimedia plugin but better than nothing. Is it the only alternative?

-Then, I'd like to embed a object in a container-like control. But, to my knowledge, no GUI object currently available seems capable of this. As a workaround, I tried to load a GUIGroup within my form and where the HTML page was meant to be displayed (skin development friendly, the position can be specified in the xml). The idea was to update the coordinates of the HTML page layout when needed, intercepting resizing/refreshing events but the GUIControls don't give access to the right methods and it's been more a hack than a proper solution (and I still have some issues with this).

How should I proceed? Did I miss anything? I am a bit stuck for now, any input appreciated. Please PM if you need further info.

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