Need mutiple stream client...I failed! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 29, 2006
I am really in need of a client that will pull multiplke streams from the tvserver.

Specifically I have four tuners installed, and need an app that displays all four streams from the "live" point of the stream. When clicking on one of the streams it should unmute it, and when clicking on another it should unmute that one and then mute the one currenlt listening to.

Next when double clicking one of the screens then a larger view should be shown with the ability to change channels.

The key to this must be that the live point of the streams must be shown. That way when I start the app it doesn't just start up from where ever the stream was initalized.

I am willing to pay for the app and source. And even though I pay for it, you can do what you want with it.

Thank You.


Portal Member
October 23, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
From what I seem to remember on attempting something like this is that TVEngine3 will actually lock a stream to a given IP address, and therefore if you try to tune a separate channel, it will reuse the same RTSP address and replace the stream with the new one, because you are using the same IP address.

So I might be wrong here, but I believe TVEngine3 would need modifications (not drastic ones though) in order for this to work. I agree that it's a desirable feature and perhaps you should add a thread in the Suggestions forum. otherwise, you can always have a modified TVEngine3 that enables the functionality :)


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