New Basic Homesreen
Im working on a new Funktion for MP inside the ProjectX Skin.
It will come with the next Release.
Many of the users would have a basic Homescreen with the most popular Funktions inside, like Musik, Video, Radio, TV and Pictures. So that you can easy click on a icon for that.
This Funktion is very helpfull for Touchscreenusers and have also a big „WAF“ Factor
..more Info and screenshots you will find here:
It is to find under News of MP Skin Page
I hope you enjoy it
Greetings Harley
New Basic Homesreen
Im working on a new Funktion for MP inside the ProjectX Skin.
It will come with the next Release.
Many of the users would have a basic Homescreen with the most popular Funktions inside, like Musik, Video, Radio, TV and Pictures. So that you can easy click on a icon for that.
This Funktion is very helpfull for Touchscreenusers and have also a big „WAF“ Factor
..more Info and screenshots you will find here:
It is to find under News of MP Skin Page
I hope you enjoy it
Greetings Harley