New HTPC - Couple of Questions (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 20, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hey guys, I just got my new Sony Vaio XL2 DLS and I'm loving it. Windows MCE is nice and integrated, but I needed more. I found Mediaportal and I'm hooked on how open and configurable it is. It actually runs Extremely smooth on my vaio and plays DivX much better than MCE, but I have a few questions that I couldn't find complete answers on.

1. Is there a Nonafo Skin for 16:9 or can one be converted easily?

2. The My Emulators pluging is awesome. Can MP be restarted after exiting the Emulator?

3. Can you move Plugins out to the main screen?

Thanks again.



Portal Member
November 20, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Thanks man. There is so many options to this software. Good Stuff.

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