While planning my own HTPC I came to the conclusion that no available case would do the trick for me.
solution; build your own!
The componentes for the job are drippling in right now (limited funds so i'm spreading the damage)
Motherboard: Asus a8n-vm CSM
CPU: athlon 64 3200 venice
CPU Cooler: Zalman 7000 ALCU
Memory: 2x Twinmos 512MB
Harddisk: Samsung 250 GB spinpoint s-ata
DVD player: panasonic UJ-845 slim line slot in dual layer.
128x64 blue /white lcd in the front of the case.
planned for later stage: Digital everywhere FloppyDTV+conax cam for DVB-T in holland.
I started with a cyberhome DVD player (which did not work anymore)
this case's size was acceptable, the only drawback is that a standard (quiet) PSU would not fit by 0,6 cm in heigth, so I had to cut it out and lower it in the case. the PSU is resessed now and fits just right. there is also space for a big 12cm psu fan if needed.
the frontpanel will have to be made by myself though, as all mounting spaces are custom.
I just bolted in the motherboard for correct fitting and i finally got the spacers in the right place.
after that the PSU Goes in.
I will post some pictures of the Work in progress later on.
If anyone has some suggestions for must have featurs any mediaportal htpc must own. be my guest and post your comments
solution; build your own!
The componentes for the job are drippling in right now (limited funds so i'm spreading the damage)
Motherboard: Asus a8n-vm CSM
CPU: athlon 64 3200 venice
CPU Cooler: Zalman 7000 ALCU
Memory: 2x Twinmos 512MB
Harddisk: Samsung 250 GB spinpoint s-ata
DVD player: panasonic UJ-845 slim line slot in dual layer.
128x64 blue /white lcd in the front of the case.
planned for later stage: Digital everywhere FloppyDTV+conax cam for DVB-T in holland.
I started with a cyberhome DVD player (which did not work anymore)
this case's size was acceptable, the only drawback is that a standard (quiet) PSU would not fit by 0,6 cm in heigth, so I had to cut it out and lower it in the case. the PSU is resessed now and fits just right. there is also space for a big 12cm psu fan if needed.
the frontpanel will have to be made by myself though, as all mounting spaces are custom.
I just bolted in the motherboard for correct fitting and i finally got the spacers in the right place.
after that the PSU Goes in.
I will post some pictures of the Work in progress later on.
If anyone has some suggestions for must have featurs any mediaportal htpc must own. be my guest and post your comments