New to MediaPortal (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 31, 2007
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Belgium Belgium
I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, feel free to replace it ...

I'm about to build MultimediaPC wich allows me to play mp3's, watch tv, watch dvd and burn dvd's (for backup mp3). Hardware is already tought of:
monitor: 15" tft
... and the usual stuff.
But there will also be a beamer connected to it. It's for a public place. People only see what's on the beamer (when wtching tv or a dvd). When playing mp3's, the beamer will be shut down (or is it possible to show visuals?).

My questions:
*Does MediaPortal allow multiple monitors? Or does it just copy the screen on the next monitor?
*Does MediaPortal an external USB HD, if so, id it possible to use this external HD for all mp3's? In stead of the internal HD?
*Does MediaPortal support that Logitech R/F remote control? Wich allows you tu control all features?


New Member
January 8, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
- Multiple monitor support mainly depends on your O/S, Graphics Card and drivers. However is you are wanting to display TV on one monitor and music on another, I dont believe this is possible.

- MP has access to any drive which can be seen by the O/S

- I've found MP works best with the MCE remote, however you can get most other remotes to work. There is also various 3rd part software which will translate remote key presses to keyboard commands.


Portal Pro
February 18, 2005
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Netherlands Netherlands
If you want to play MP3, you might consider showing the "now playing" screen. Depending on your skin, but as an example:

If needed, it is not very hard to make simple modifications to these screens (removing buttons etc.)
I do not know how you want to select the music to play, but do look at the audioscrobbler plugin, which chooses the next song, based on the songs playing. Ideal for unattended run.

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