So after thinking about it for a few months, I've decided to take the plunge and at least start to investigate a possible move to MP.
All of my HTPC hardware is currently dedicated to SageTV with no plans to kill any of that setup -- it's heavily used by all in the house and I'd be signing my own death warrant if I just ripped it apart. I'd be building a new server for MP, if I decide to make the switch. Until a decision is made, I'm currently restricted to a Win7 VM running from my laptop with no tuners.
If I make the switch, my server would be strictly Colossus tuners (at least 2, hopefully 3-4) and I'd like to attempt to simulate this environment from the VM I've constructed.
I've created the VM, got all the prereqs installed, grabbed the src from Github and I've successfully built the 1.2.3 installers. Problem is I have no where to install it to get a feel for how MP works. What I'd really like to be able to do is create some "fake/dummy" tuners (preferably ones that simulate the behaviour of Colossus cards) so I can convince the TVServer that I have some inputs, setup the Schedules Direct plugin, attach the tv listings to these "fake" tuners then get the TVServer running on my VM to get a feel for how it all works. Is this possible? I don't want to (and really can't) invest in a new server with tuners just so I can install and be able to run it, being able to run the TVServer from a VM would be ideal (and beneficial as I start to play with the code). How do devs test? Strictly on systems with actual tuners, etc.?
Any help/pointers would be appreciated.
All of my HTPC hardware is currently dedicated to SageTV with no plans to kill any of that setup -- it's heavily used by all in the house and I'd be signing my own death warrant if I just ripped it apart. I'd be building a new server for MP, if I decide to make the switch. Until a decision is made, I'm currently restricted to a Win7 VM running from my laptop with no tuners.
If I make the switch, my server would be strictly Colossus tuners (at least 2, hopefully 3-4) and I'd like to attempt to simulate this environment from the VM I've constructed.
I've created the VM, got all the prereqs installed, grabbed the src from Github and I've successfully built the 1.2.3 installers. Problem is I have no where to install it to get a feel for how MP works. What I'd really like to be able to do is create some "fake/dummy" tuners (preferably ones that simulate the behaviour of Colossus cards) so I can convince the TVServer that I have some inputs, setup the Schedules Direct plugin, attach the tv listings to these "fake" tuners then get the TVServer running on my VM to get a feel for how it all works. Is this possible? I don't want to (and really can't) invest in a new server with tuners just so I can install and be able to run it, being able to run the TVServer from a VM would be ideal (and beneficial as I start to play with the code). How do devs test? Strictly on systems with actual tuners, etc.?
Any help/pointers would be appreciated.