Newbie can't import the ant catalog.xml (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 12, 2008
Home Country
Spain Spain

I started today with My Films and need help to make it to work.

I have the last MP in Windows Vista. I downloaded the MyFilms v4.7.9a and installed the plugin. As I had no idea I did nothing in the configuration except pointing the path to the catalog.xml file that I had exported from AntMC.

My first question is: can I import a catalog where there are films that are not physically in the same HTPC but in other computers or recorded in DVDs?

Well, just to try I exported a catalog with only 12 films. After saving the configuration, I read: "Your XML file is valid with 12 Movies in your database and 7 Movies to display with your Selected Enreg configuration". As I said I didn't select any Enreg configuration, because I had no idea at all about it.

Then I started MP, selected Films and I only saw this:

I know, I have a lot to learn. Is there a manual or something? Or could you give me some guidance, please?

I would appreciate it very much.


Portal Pro
January 2, 2006

I started today with My Films and need help to make it to work.
Nice to see a new user ;)
My first question is: can I import a catalog where there are films that are not physically in the same HTPC but in other computers or recorded in DVDs?
Yes of course, you only have to put the physical paths to your movies files either in the setup either on each movie in a specific databse's field you must define in the setup

Well, just to try I exported a catalog with only 12 films. After saving the configuration, I read: "Your XML file is valid with 12 Movies in your database and 7 Movies to display with your Selected Enreg configuration". As I said I didn't select any Enreg configuration, because I had no idea at all about it.
May be some of your enregs have an rmpty Original or translated title that you have define as master title. Those enregs are in that case ignored.

Then I started MP, selected Films and I only saw this:

I know, I have a lot to learn. Is there a manual or something? Or could you give me some guidance, please?

I would appreciate it very much.
You should use the latest dll that you can find here.
You can search some informations in the wiki even if it out of date for latests functions, but it's a good start here.

Good luck


Portal Pro
June 12, 2008
Home Country
Spain Spain
Thanks a lot for answering!

I'll start tomorrow to read the wiki and try again. For the moment, I have a doubt: when you say "you only have to put the physical paths to your movies files" does that mean then that I can't import the information about the films that I have in DVDs that are stored in my library. Sorry if the question sounds silly.


Portal Pro
January 13, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
yes, you can import movies that you have on DVD. as long as the information is in the xml database it will be displayed.


Portal Pro
December 4, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Buenas Zorg.
Lo más fácil para introducir las rutas es que uses el programa AMC updater, que tienes en otro hilo de este mismo subforo. Tienes un montón de opciones, y puedes importar fácilmente las rutas también de las películas que tengas en DVD (si lo tienes introducido, lógicamente, jeje) Cualquier cosa aquí tienes a un compatriota ;)

Sorry for spanish, mates. I basically advised him to use AMC updater


Portal Pro
June 12, 2008
Home Country
Spain Spain
That's amazing. As soon as I used the latest Mesfilms.dll, the program worked like a charm. Thank you ( y gracias también por la ayuda, z3us).

Now I'm trying all the features. I wonder if there's a way to show the comments on a roll, like the text of the description, instead of on a line. When the comments text is too long it takes quite a while to read it. Anyway, that's not such a problem.

Thank you again. Un très très grand merci pour ce logiciel, zebons.


Portal Pro
January 2, 2006
That's amazing. As soon as I used the latest Mesfilms.dll, the program worked like a charm. Thank you ( y gracias también por la ayuda, z3us).

Now I'm trying all the features. I wonder if there's a way to show the comments on a roll, like the text of the description, instead of on a line. When the comments text is too long it takes quite a while to read it. Anyway, that's not such a problem.

Thank you again. Un très très grand merci pour ce logiciel, zebons.
With the next version (coming soon) all tje fields of oe movie'll be loaded in the main and detailed screen, so skins devs'll do all mods they want... and for ex. add comments on their skins.


Portal Pro
June 12, 2008
Home Country
Spain Spain

just one more question, is there a way for the dateadded checkbox not to be ticked by default when you add a new film?

I think not, because maybe it doesn't make much sense. I just was thinking of using that option for the date when I see the film. That's to say, unchecked if I haven't seen it yet.


Portal Pro
December 4, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Uncheck date in the AMCupdater "database fields" tab

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