I found all my channels but can't preview, get no audio/video error. Here is the log:
2009-03-24 19:34:37.187500 [SetupTv]: ---- SetupTv v1.0.0.21149 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3) ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.375000 [SetupTv]: ---- check connection with database ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.796875 [SetupTv]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.953125 [SetupTv]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.968750 [SetupTv]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
2009-03-24 19:34:39.968750 [SetupTv]: ---- tvservice is not running ----
2009-03-24 19:34:41.453125 [SetupTv]: ---- start tvservice----
2009-03-24 19:34:43.250000 [TVService]: TVService v1.0.0.21149 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread message loop is running
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [TVService]: Controller: Initilizing TVServer
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [TVService]: Controller: 1 init attempt
2009-03-24 19:34:43.296875 [TVService]: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: Controller: using SQLServer database connection: Password
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: ----------------------------
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-03-24 19:34:43.437500 [TVService]: Detected DVB-T card
ctv 330e/8x0e bda tvtuner
2009-03-24 19:34:44.281250 [TVService]: Detected analog card
ctv 330e/8x0e wdm tvtuner
2009-03-24 19:34:44.296875 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
2009-03-24 19:34:44.812500 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
2009-03-24 19:34:44.828125 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
2009-03-24 19:34:44.828125 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: plugins loaded
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: started at htpc-23aef0295b
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:
2009-03-24 19:34:45.343750 [TVService]: Controller: server running on htpc-23aef0295b
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card
CTV 330e/8x0e BDA TVTuner
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card
CTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: setup hybrid cards
2009-03-24 19:34:45.875000 [TVService]: Controller: card PCTV 330e/8x0e BDA TVTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: card PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: card RadioWebStream Card (builtin): current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: setup streaming
2009-03-24 19:34:46.421875 [TVService]: Scheduler: started
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: DiskManagement: started
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Controller: setup HeartBeat Monitor
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [HeartBeatMonitor]: Controller: Heartbeat Monitor initiated, max timeout allowed is 30 sec.
2009-03-24 19:34:46.484375 [TVService]: Controller: initalized
2009-03-24 19:34:46.484375 [TVService]: Controller: TVServer initialized okay
2009-03-24 19:34:46.718750 [TVService]: TV service started
2009-03-24 19:34:48.468750 [SetupTv]: Util: Version of installed Psisdecd.dll: 6.5.2715.3011 Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\PsisDecd.dll
2009-03-24 19:34:49.281250 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:52.171875 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:53.406250 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:54.109375 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:54.125000 [4]: Controller: epg start
2009-03-24 19:34:59.984375 [4]: Controller: StartTimeShifting TV3 SWEDEN 5
2009-03-24 19:34:59.984375 [4]: Controller: find free card for channel TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: got 2 tuning details for TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: channel #1 tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
weden Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: card:1 type
vbT cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.031250 [4]: Controller: card:2 type:Analog is available priority:2 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:3 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: channel #2 tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:26 Country
weden Tuner:Cable Video:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:1 type
vbT cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:3 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: found 1 available
2009-03-24 19:35:01.062500 [4]: card: CardTune 2 TV3 SWEDEN setuptv:2:-1
2009-03-24 19:35:01.078125 [4]: card: Tune 2 to TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:01.078125 [4]: card: user: setuptv:2:-1 tune tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
weden Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:01.109375 [4]: analog: Tune:tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
weden Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:01.125000 [4]: analog: build graph
2009-03-24 19:35:01.125000 [4]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter try
CTV 330e/8x0e WDM Crossbar 0
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: PinDest:name:0: Video Tuner In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: pins connected
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter try
CTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVAudio 0
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: PinDest:name:TVAudio In [5/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [7/1] Direction:Output Connected:True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: skipping pin
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: pinSource 1:name:Analog Audio [7/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: pins connected
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded
CTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVAudio
2009-03-24 19:35:01.312500 [4]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try
CTV 330e/8x0e Device 0
2009-03-24 19:35:01.328125 [4]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected to crossbar successfully
2009-03-24 19:35:01.328125 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: True - MPEG2ProgramFilter: True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: False - MPEG2ProgramFilter: True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: True - MPEG2ProgramFilter: False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: False - MPEG2ProgramFilter: False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindAudioVideoPins
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: find pins on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin pin:#2 name:Audio [38/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin major:73647561-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 sub:00000001-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin pin:#0 name:Capture [42/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin major:73646976-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 sub:32595559-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
2009-03-24 19:35:01.390625 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.390625 [4]: analog: AddAudioCompressor name:Audio [42/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.406250 [4]: analog: AddAudioCompressor found:9 compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: try compressor
innacle MPEG Layer-2 Audio Encoder
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: connect audio pin->audio compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: connected audio pin->audio compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.437500 [4]: analog: AddVideoCompressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.453125 [4]: analog: AddVideoCompressor found:9 compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.453125 [4]: analog: try compressor
innacle MPEG 2 Encoder
2009-03-24 19:35:01.468750 [4]: analog: connect video pin->video compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog:AddAnalogMuxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: connected audio -> muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: connected video -> muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: FindVBIPin
2009-03-24 19:35:01.500000 [4]: analog: VBI
2009-03-24 19:35:01.500000 [4]: analog: SetupTeletext()
2009-03-24 19:35:01.515625 [4]: analog
inkGraphEx.SetupTeletext(): Found WST Codec filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.515625 [4]: analog: teletext setup
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: AddMpeg2Demultiplexer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: connect capture->mpeg2 demux
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: Check quality control
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: IVideoEncoder supported by: Pinnacle MPEG 2 Encoder; Checking capabilities
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_BitRateMode
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_BitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_PeakBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddMpegMuxer()
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:connect pinvideo name:Video [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False ->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: connected pinvideo->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:connect pinaudio name:Audio [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False ->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddMpegMuxer, connected pinaudio->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddTsFileSink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:connect muxer->tsfilesink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:connect wst/vbi codec->tsfilesink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog: Graph is built
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:GetNewSubChannel:0 #0
2009-03-24 19:35:01.578125 [4]: analog subch:0 OnBeforeTune
2009-03-24 19:35:01.593750 [4]: analog: set to TV
2009-03-24 19:35:02.531250 [4]: analog: SetupCrossBar:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:02.531250 [4]: crossbar pin:0 type:Video_Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: route input:Video_Tuner -> video output result:0
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:1 type:Video_Composite
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:2 type:Video_SVideo
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:3 type:Audio_Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:04.171875 [4]: route input:Audio_Tuner -> audio output result:0
2009-03-24 19:35:04.171875 [4]: crossbar pin:4 type:Audio_Line
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: Analog: Tuned to country:46 video:217250000 Hz audio:222750000 Hz locked:True
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog subch:0 OnAfterTune
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog subch:0 OnGraphStart
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog: RunGraph
2009-03-24 19:35:05.078125 [4]: analog: RunGraph succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:05.187500 [4]: analog: LockedInOnSignal ok
2009-03-24 19:35:05.187500 [4]: analog subch:0 OnGraphStarted
2009-03-24 19:35:05.296875 [4]: card: Tuner locked: True
2009-03-24 19:35:05.296875 [4]: **************************************************
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 100, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: **************************************************
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: card: tuned user: setuptv subchannel: 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: user:setuptv add
2009-03-24 19:35:05.578125 [4]: card2:setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.578125 [4]: Controller: setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.593750 [4]: control2:setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.609375 [4]: Controller: delete timeshift files C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live2-0.ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.640625 [4]: card: StartTimeShifting 2 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live2-0.ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.640625 [4]: card: CAM enabled : False
2009-03-24 19:35:05.656250 [4]: analog: Encoder mode setting to ConstantBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:05.656250 [4]: analog: Encoder mode set to ConstantBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate setting to Default
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate Min 2500000 Max 8000000 Delta 500000
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate set to 8000000
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog
etTimeShiftFileName:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live2-0.ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog
etTimeShiftFileName: uses .ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.703125 [4]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - waiting _eventAudio & _eventVideo
2009-03-24 19:35:20.703125 [4]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - no audio was found after 15 seconds
2009-03-24 19:35:20.718750 [4]: card PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner: StopTimeShifting user:setuptv sub:0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.718750 [4]: card: StopTimeShifting user:setuptv sub:0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.734375 [4]: card not IDLE - freeing subch: 0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.734375 [4]: analog: StopTimeShifting()
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel:1 #0 keep graph=False
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: analog subch:0 Decompose()
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-03-24 19:35:20.765625 [4]: analog: StopGraph state:Running
2009-03-24 19:35:22.359375 [4]: analog: Graph stopped
2009-03-24 19:35:22.359375 [4]: user:setuptv remove
2009-03-24 19:35:28.531250 [8]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:35:28.531250 [8]: Controller: epg start
I found all my channels but can't preview, get no audio/video error. Here is the log:
2009-03-24 19:34:37.187500 [SetupTv]: ---- SetupTv v1.0.0.21149 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3) ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.375000 [SetupTv]: ---- check connection with database ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.796875 [SetupTv]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.953125 [SetupTv]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
2009-03-24 19:34:37.968750 [SetupTv]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
2009-03-24 19:34:39.968750 [SetupTv]: ---- tvservice is not running ----
2009-03-24 19:34:41.453125 [SetupTv]: ---- start tvservice----
2009-03-24 19:34:43.250000 [TVService]: TVService v1.0.0.21149 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread message loop is running
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [TVService]: Controller: Initilizing TVServer
2009-03-24 19:34:43.265625 [TVService]: Controller: 1 init attempt
2009-03-24 19:34:43.296875 [TVService]: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: Controller: using SQLServer database connection: Password
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: ----------------------------
2009-03-24 19:34:43.312500 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-03-24 19:34:43.437500 [TVService]: Detected DVB-T card
2009-03-24 19:34:44.281250 [TVService]: Detected analog card
2009-03-24 19:34:44.296875 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
2009-03-24 19:34:44.812500 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
2009-03-24 19:34:44.828125 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
2009-03-24 19:34:44.828125 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: plugins loaded
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: started at htpc-23aef0295b
2009-03-24 19:34:44.843750 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:
2009-03-24 19:34:45.343750 [TVService]: Controller: server running on htpc-23aef0295b
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
2009-03-24 19:34:45.375000 [TVService]: Controller: setup hybrid cards
2009-03-24 19:34:45.875000 [TVService]: Controller: card PCTV 330e/8x0e BDA TVTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: card PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: card RadioWebStream Card (builtin): current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-03-24 19:34:45.890625 [TVService]: Controller: setup streaming
2009-03-24 19:34:46.421875 [TVService]: Scheduler: started
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: DiskManagement: started
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.453125 [TVService]: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [TVService]: Controller: setup HeartBeat Monitor
2009-03-24 19:34:46.468750 [HeartBeatMonitor]: Controller: Heartbeat Monitor initiated, max timeout allowed is 30 sec.
2009-03-24 19:34:46.484375 [TVService]: Controller: initalized
2009-03-24 19:34:46.484375 [TVService]: Controller: TVServer initialized okay
2009-03-24 19:34:46.718750 [TVService]: TV service started
2009-03-24 19:34:48.468750 [SetupTv]: Util: Version of installed Psisdecd.dll: 6.5.2715.3011 Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\PsisDecd.dll
2009-03-24 19:34:49.281250 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:52.171875 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:53.406250 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:54.109375 [4]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:34:54.125000 [4]: Controller: epg start
2009-03-24 19:34:59.984375 [4]: Controller: StartTimeShifting TV3 SWEDEN 5
2009-03-24 19:34:59.984375 [4]: Controller: find free card for channel TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: got 2 tuning details for TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: channel #1 tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
2009-03-24 19:35:00.546875 [4]: Controller: card:1 type
2009-03-24 19:35:01.031250 [4]: Controller: card:2 type:Analog is available priority:2 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:3 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: channel #2 tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:26 Country
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:1 type
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: card:3 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-03-24 19:35:01.046875 [4]: Controller: found 1 available
2009-03-24 19:35:01.062500 [4]: card: CardTune 2 TV3 SWEDEN setuptv:2:-1
2009-03-24 19:35:01.078125 [4]: card: Tune 2 to TV3 SWEDEN
2009-03-24 19:35:01.078125 [4]: card: user: setuptv:2:-1 tune tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
2009-03-24 19:35:01.109375 [4]: analog: Tune:tv:TV3 SWEDEN Freq:0 Channel:11 Country
2009-03-24 19:35:01.125000 [4]: analog: build graph
2009-03-24 19:35:01.125000 [4]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter try
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: PinDest:name:0: Video Tuner In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.265625 [4]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: pins connected
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter try
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: PinDest:name:TVAudio In [5/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [7/1] Direction:Output Connected:True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.281250 [4]: analog: skipping pin
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: pinSource 1:name:Analog Audio [7/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: pins connected
2009-03-24 19:35:01.296875 [4]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.312500 [4]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try
2009-03-24 19:35:01.328125 [4]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected to crossbar successfully
2009-03-24 19:35:01.328125 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: True - MPEG2ProgramFilter: True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: False - MPEG2ProgramFilter: True
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.343750 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: True - MPEG2ProgramFilter: False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter - MatchPinNames: False - MPEG2ProgramFilter: False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: AddTvMultiPlexer no multiplexer devices found
2009-03-24 19:35:01.359375 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindCapturePin on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindAudioVideoPins
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: find pins on capture filter
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin pin:#2 name:Audio [38/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin major:73647561-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 sub:00000001-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin pin:#0 name:Capture [42/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.375000 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin major:73646976-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71 sub:32595559-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
2009-03-24 19:35:01.390625 [4]: analog: FindMediaPin succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:01.390625 [4]: analog: AddAudioCompressor name:Audio [42/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-03-24 19:35:01.406250 [4]: analog: AddAudioCompressor found:9 compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: try compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: connect audio pin->audio compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.421875 [4]: analog: connected audio pin->audio compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.437500 [4]: analog: AddVideoCompressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.453125 [4]: analog: AddVideoCompressor found:9 compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.453125 [4]: analog: try compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.468750 [4]: analog: connect video pin->video compressor
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog:AddAnalogMuxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: connected audio -> muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: connected video -> muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.484375 [4]: analog: FindVBIPin
2009-03-24 19:35:01.500000 [4]: analog: VBI
2009-03-24 19:35:01.500000 [4]: analog: SetupTeletext()
2009-03-24 19:35:01.515625 [4]: analog
2009-03-24 19:35:01.515625 [4]: analog: teletext setup
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: AddMpeg2Demultiplexer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: connect capture->mpeg2 demux
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: Check quality control
2009-03-24 19:35:01.531250 [4]: analog: IVideoEncoder supported by: Pinnacle MPEG 2 Encoder; Checking capabilities
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_BitRateMode
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_BitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: Encoder supports ENCAPIPARAM_PeakBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddMpegMuxer()
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:connect pinvideo name:Video [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False ->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog: connected pinvideo->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:connect pinaudio name:Audio [6/1] Direction:Output Connected:False ->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddMpegMuxer, connected pinaudio->mpeg muxer
2009-03-24 19:35:01.546875 [4]: analog:AddTsFileSink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:connect muxer->tsfilesink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:connect wst/vbi codec->tsfilesink
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog: Graph is built
2009-03-24 19:35:01.562500 [4]: analog:GetNewSubChannel:0 #0
2009-03-24 19:35:01.578125 [4]: analog subch:0 OnBeforeTune
2009-03-24 19:35:01.593750 [4]: analog: set to TV
2009-03-24 19:35:02.531250 [4]: analog: SetupCrossBar:Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:02.531250 [4]: crossbar pin:0 type:Video_Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: route input:Video_Tuner -> video output result:0
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:1 type:Video_Composite
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:2 type:Video_SVideo
2009-03-24 19:35:04.156250 [4]: crossbar pin:3 type:Audio_Tuner
2009-03-24 19:35:04.171875 [4]: route input:Audio_Tuner -> audio output result:0
2009-03-24 19:35:04.171875 [4]: crossbar pin:4 type:Audio_Line
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: Analog: Tuned to country:46 video:217250000 Hz audio:222750000 Hz locked:True
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog subch:0 OnAfterTune
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog subch:0 OnGraphStart
2009-03-24 19:35:04.281250 [4]: analog: RunGraph
2009-03-24 19:35:05.078125 [4]: analog: RunGraph succeeded
2009-03-24 19:35:05.187500 [4]: analog: LockedInOnSignal ok
2009-03-24 19:35:05.187500 [4]: analog subch:0 OnGraphStarted
2009-03-24 19:35:05.296875 [4]: card: Tuner locked: True
2009-03-24 19:35:05.296875 [4]: **************************************************
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 100, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: **************************************************
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: card: tuned user: setuptv subchannel: 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.562500 [4]: user:setuptv add
2009-03-24 19:35:05.578125 [4]: card2:setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.578125 [4]: Controller: setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.593750 [4]: control2:setuptv 2 0
2009-03-24 19:35:05.609375 [4]: Controller: delete timeshift files C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live2-0.ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.640625 [4]: card: StartTimeShifting 2 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live2-0.ts
2009-03-24 19:35:05.640625 [4]: card: CAM enabled : False
2009-03-24 19:35:05.656250 [4]: analog: Encoder mode setting to ConstantBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:05.656250 [4]: analog: Encoder mode set to ConstantBitRate
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate setting to Default
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate Min 2500000 Max 8000000 Delta 500000
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog: Encoder BitRate set to 8000000
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog
2009-03-24 19:35:05.671875 [4]: analog
2009-03-24 19:35:05.703125 [4]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - waiting _eventAudio & _eventVideo
2009-03-24 19:35:20.703125 [4]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - no audio was found after 15 seconds
2009-03-24 19:35:20.718750 [4]: card PCTV 330e/8x0e WDM TVTuner: StopTimeShifting user:setuptv sub:0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.718750 [4]: card: StopTimeShifting user:setuptv sub:0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.734375 [4]: card not IDLE - freeing subch: 0
2009-03-24 19:35:20.734375 [4]: analog: StopTimeShifting()
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel:1 #0 keep graph=False
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: analog subch:0 Decompose()
2009-03-24 19:35:20.750000 [4]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-03-24 19:35:20.765625 [4]: analog: StopGraph state:Running
2009-03-24 19:35:22.359375 [4]: analog: Graph stopped
2009-03-24 19:35:22.359375 [4]: user:setuptv remove
2009-03-24 19:35:28.531250 [8]: Controller: epg stop
2009-03-24 19:35:28.531250 [8]: Controller: epg start