NO Xvid in MP. WMP 11 works fine (1 Viewer)


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  • April 7, 2009
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    Ireland Ireland
    TV-Server Version:
    MediaPortal Version:
    MediaPortal Skin:
    Windows Version: Vista Home prem 32 bit
    CPU Type: AMD 4850e
    HDD: 500GB SATA
    Memory: 2GB
    Motherboard: 780G chipset Gigabyte
    Video Card: Integrated HD3200
    Video Card Driver: Catalyst 9.4
    Sound Card: Onboard Realtek HD
    Sound Card AC3:
    Sound Card Driver: Latest realtek
    1. TV Card:
    1. TV Card Type:
    1. TV Card Driver:
    2. TV Card:
    2. TV Card Type:
    2. TV Card Driver:
    3. TV Card:
    3. TV Card Type:
    3. TV Card Driver:
    4. TV Card:
    4. TV Card Type:
    4. TV Card Driver:
    MPEG2 Video Codec: MPC
    MPEG2 Audio Codec: MPC
    h.264 Video Codec: Cyberlink
    Satelite/CableTV Provider:
    HTPC Case:
    Power Supply:
    TV - HTPC Connection:

    Frstly MP is just what I have been looking for. I have H264 working fine with HW acc but I am having problems with XVid files. When I play from MP I get a black screen but the audio is fine. However the same files play OK in WMP 11 so it doesn't seem like missing codecs on the system. All I have installed on the base Vista is ffdshow, Haali spliter, VSfilter. If I can just get this working I'll be very happy.



    MP Donator
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  • August 30, 2006
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    Afghanistan Afghanistan
    I have the same problem. Everything played fine in MP 1.0.0, but now with 1.0.1 certain movies don't play. I've used GSPOT to identify that the ones that don't play are MPEG-4/AVC.
    The symptoms are a blank screen but with sound. Fast-forwarding brings up the progress bar but no actual fastforward occurs.

    I can play the files fine within Zoom Player. I use ffdshow and keep everything to defaults, i.e. I did a clean install of Vista then installed Zoom Player and allowed it to download and install ffdshow and the other things it installs. I do not use codec packs which includes the all-in-one that's been generated by MediaPortal users (nor will I so it's not a solution for me).

    Update: It's only MPEG-4 (AVC1) files that can't be played within MP 1.0.1. They play fine in Zoom Player, which invokes ffdshow and the Haali splitter. They can't be played within WMP 11 but I haven't used WMP for years so who cares...

    I thought MediaPortal used ffdshow to play videos, therefore it should be able to play them.... Strange - has something changed in MP where it no longer uses things like ffdshow? That's a pretty major change if so; I would have thought there'd be a big warning to anyone thinking about upgrading if that's the case since it's a huge change to how MP handles videos.

    I'm sure it's something a lot more simple. Will keep digging.


    MP Donator
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  • April 7, 2009
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    Ireland Ireland
    After seeing some posts referring to problems with the new version I uninstalled and installed Xvid files work perfectly now though some of my HD h264 files don't work, they did work on

    So this Xvid problem is a problem.

    Hope that helps

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    So this Xvid problem is a problem.

    If using FFDShow, which version are you using, FFDShow\codec xvid, xvid not libavcodec selected for playing and all works perfectly with MP1.0.1.

    Check your codecs are fine with filmerit (link in signature), the padlock unlocks to enable repair of any issues found.

    If you are still having issues, then try Vista codec pack, 5.1.9 this has been know to correct damaged codecs that may be giving a problem, plus gives you dxva if you want it for h.264\VC1 files.



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  • April 7, 2009
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    Ireland Ireland
    Filmerit shows zero errors in 255 filters. I'm using ffdshow tryout 2871. Setting Xvid to xvid rather than libavcodec makes no difference.

    Changing MP Video render setting from VMR9 to EVR fixes the problem, but that then breaks hw acc on H264 files. I'd rather have the hw acc (and the acompanying silence from my HTPC cpu fan) so is there any way to have xvid with VMR9?

    I'd like to avoid codec packs if possible.



    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hey guys
    I just experienced the same problem, xvid files are not playing anymore, I do not use ffdshow btw.
    Everything was working fine in 1.0....



    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Changing MP Video render setting from VMR9 to EVR fixes the problem, but that then breaks hw acc on H264 files.

    Windows Version: Vista Home prem 32 bit

    Which of the above is correct, Vista needs EVR + Aero enabled for DXVA to work, so what's the problem with using EVR.

    VMR9 does not have dxva with Vista


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi I just confirmed the issue again, by installing xvid codec another time, and playing with wmp11 with no probs...
    here is the related log snippet..:
    009-04-17 12:57:11.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:play K:\TV Serien\Battlestar galactica\Season 4\Battlestar Galactica S04E17.avi
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: D3D: BuildPresentParamsFromSettings using 60Hz as RefreshRate
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.718750 [Info.][MPMain]:   fonts.SetDevice()
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.765625 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer DirectSound: SoundMAX HD Audio 
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.828125 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.984375 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: no vob sub filter in the current graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:11.984375 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: subtitles enabled - checking if subtitles are present
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.000000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: subtitles present adding DirectVobSub filter to the current graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.000000 [Info.][MPMain]: added filter:DirectVobSub to graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.000000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: add normal vob sub filter
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.000000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Setting DirectVobsub parameters
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.000000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Connect vobsub's video pins!
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 0
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Vobsub's video input pin connected...
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Vobsub output pin NOT FOUND!
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: player:ended
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer9:cleanup DShow graph
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: state:Stopped 0
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 0
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.046875 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2009-04-17 12:57:12.062500 [Info.][MPMain]:   fonts.SetDevice()
    any hints?


    EDIT: I think I just solved this issue for me,
    it seems that something in the handling of subtitle changed, therefoer I tried and checked "Load when needed" in the VOBSub settings.
    Et voila: Subtitle AND Xvid files are working again....


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