(NOOB) multiple video/music folders (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 25, 2009
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Israel Israel
After reading a few posts regarding this issue I still have one question:
I have a few folders with video and music (some are contain both).
Is there a way to check the check box in the music/video folders multiple times?
I don't understand why it lets only one check box to be marked.
And I don't understand why there is the possibility to "Add" more folders if only one can be chacked.
I've read about the Junctions but is seems very complicated thing to do a simple task.

please help......:confused::confused:


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  • April 23, 2007
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    The check box only selects which folder will be the default folder to display in the shares view. I normally leave it unchecked so I am at the "top level" of my folder list.

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