Not all my video's show up? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 23, 2009
Hello there! Just had a small problem which is confusing me.

I have a big collection of movies i've put into xvid format to save space. I keep them all in a folder, all xvid avi's etc. I have all my movies and several TV shows all organized into this folder. My problem is, not all of the movies and none of the TV shows show up in MP! I cannot figure out how to manually add these movies/tv shows for the life of me. I was thinking perhaps they weren't added because the software couldn't find their DVD covers or something of that nature? Any help would greatly be appreciated because I would absolutely love to have my entire collection on MP!

Thanks in Advance for help.

Paranoid Delusion

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    Google gspot 2.70a, drop one of the files into it and see what format it says the file is created as, xvid\divx should normally be dx50.



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    The original post isn't very clear, but my guess if that the OP is using one of the database views, and not all of his files have been found in online databases.

    Try changing view to "shares" and see if they all show up now.



    Portal Member
    April 19, 2009
    Czech Republic
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    Norway Norway
    add new mediafiles in MP

    Hi ,

    If I have understood the first post right:
    I ve been searching for in the forums and the documentation as well, for a such a simple task as adding new mediafiles to already existing databases, and I must say, I haven't found any other way, than updating the old one, through the setup, which means a long scan trough all the files resulting in the end, to double entries...
    Could someone point us in the right direction? There must be an easier way...?

    best regards,
    tommeltott, CZ

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