nvidia gfroce 3 cutting the taskbar on tv? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 8, 2005
Hi all

i use my htpc with the tv out option with my Nvidia gforce 3 card (i know its old ). the thing is that with a computer monitor its all ok. when i take my htpc and connect it to a tv i get the taskbar 80% cut and cant see most of it. i tried playing around with the nvidia options but with no luck at all...i cant seem to find anyway to fix this anoyying thing..can anyone help?

thx in advance


Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    It's overscan.

    What version of the drivers are you using? Newer drivers let you adjust to compensate for overscan.

    I just configure the GUI to accomodate the overscan. WhenI need to configure the HTPC, I VNC over to it configure from there.

    I use TightVNC.


    Portal Member
    November 8, 2005
    thx for the answer. i am not using the latest drivers,its an asus card and im using the latest form their site since with the latest ones from nvidia the tv out just doesnt work...ive tried everything with it.



    Portal Pro
    September 20, 2004
    somewhere in the bowels of Texas
    You can adjust the Media Portal screen in the setup within the program, but you may be stuck in Windows if the drivers do not have any type of correction. Like the Commodore said, if it's a problem for you, you may have to VNC in.

    Does your tv have any other connection options?


    Portal Member
    December 1, 2005
    Cologne, Germany
    I have the same Problem with my Ati Radeon Card! The Problem is, that the Ati Driver don't allow TV Resolution higher than 1024X768! If my Monitor has 1280x1024, than the TV cut something! If the Resulotion is 1024x768 everything ist fine. Maybe the Nvidia Driver has the same Problem!?
    Have you tested the TV-Tool for Nvidia?

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