OnlineVideos [2024/11/24] (5 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    GitHub repository | Wiki | Skinning Guide | Available Sites | German Thread

    I restarted development on the OnlineVideos plugin originally developed by gregmac45. Since there were many plugins also scraping and playing videos from websites (AdultVideos, YahooMusicVideos, MTVMusicVideos, NrkBrowser, DRipper, TvGemist, MyTrailers, MyStreams), I tried to get their sources or asked the developer to join this project. The goal was to create a single well maintained framework, that
    • eases off the workload for skinners (only one skin for all sites)
    • makes it easy for developers to create and maintain a site
    • provides a unified user experience for browsing online video content from any website
    The current version was developed and tested with MediaPortal 1.16.0. You can also find OnlineVideos in the MediaPortal Extension Installer linked on the Desktop or Startmenu.
    Linked by the installer package are:
    • LAV Filters - they provide the easiest, most complete and contained way to get all the different formats to play that websites use for their videos.
    • Extensions plugin - which allow configuration of almost all OnlineVideos Settings directly inside MediaPortal.
    • MediaPortal IPTV filter and url source splitter - With great thanks to georgius we have a custom directshow source filter that supports connection via RTMP, HLS/HDS and improves http connections by supporting ranges for seeking into unbuffered areas files.
    It is recommended to install Adobe Flash Player for IE on your System to play protected FLV streams.

    Before posting a "xyz does not work" report, make sure you
    • have the latest version of the plugin installed
    • can reproduce the bug using the DefaultWide skin
    • searched the forum for known bugs
    • checked availability of the actual website providing the video
    • tried playing different videos multiple times on different days
    • tried to download the video (context menu - F9) and play the local file
    When posting always attach logs from a troublesome run (set verbosity to Debug in Configuration, use the startmenu entry: Team MediaPortal/MediaPortal/MediaPortal Debug-Mode and select Report a bug to a plugin developer) and fill out your system specification in the forum's user profile section (and make it public).
    Ignoring these guidelines will result in deleted posts!

    The skins files for DefaultWide and Titan are provided with the installer package. Most of the skins with current releases also include support for OnlineVideos out of the box. If your favorite skin does not support it or seems to be missing features/updates in comparison to the Default skins, please seek support in the appropriate thread of the skin creator.

    Version 0.6.1
    -Now you can add your own streams to the config file (not yet by the Configuration GUI). The format is similar to the MyStream Plugin xml, so you can copy paste and modify. Look for an example in site with id 50 (Generic Streams).

    Version 0.6.2
    Yahoo Music Videos: Categories "New" and "Popular" added
    YouTube: Favorites now show favorits from user that was configured
    Enabled Search on these Sites: Yahoo Music Videos, YouTube, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, Break
    Minor skin improvements

    Version 0.6.3
    Added M4v to the extension list
    Added Crave and CNET in Vodcasts to show sample of working m4v streaming videos
    Skin and Usability Enhancements

    Version 0.6.4
    SkinFixes, Site Logos
    New Adult Site (Empflix) using RegExp (First step to generic HTML Support)
    Code Cleanups, only one dll now

    Version 0.7
    Pin for Adult sites
    new Sites: TEDTalks, NASA
    configfile format has changed, to allow more flexible site management
    MP4 streaming works, nut not with haali, have to use MP4 from MPC-HC
    fixed the hover Image in the BasicHome Screen and allowed configurable name of basichomescreen Button
    Configuration Dialog now allows adding of StreamUrls

    Version 0.7.1
    -small bugfixes
    -Break works again

    Version 0.8.0
    new Sites: Das Erste, ZDF Mediathek, GameTrailers,
    bugfix: Search button was always disabled

    Version 0.8.1
    new sites + updated some existing ones
    skinfiles for StreamedMP now included
    Blue3+Wide skinfiles updated (TrailerInfo Page was messed up + updates as requested in forum)
    includes YahooMusicVideoExternalPlayerPlugin(so stopping video will work)
    - not uploaded to repository yet, please test first

    Version 0.8.2
    bugfix for favorites on youtube + other small bugfixes

    Version 0.8.3
    Config Screen resized to work on smaller resolutions
    #desc set to empty string
    more fixes, too lazy to list ...

    Version 0.8.4
    pin will now be forgotton everytime the plugin is exited
    #length and #desc init to " "
    config file in utf-8
    some minor changes can't remember all

    Version 0.8.5
    fixed empty list of sites in config and mediaportal
    fixed pin needs reentering when stopping video playback
    YahooMusicPlayer now integrated into plugin, no more external player needed
    new StreamedMP skin version from MichelC

    Version 0.8.6
    some skinchanges (not yet supported by StreamedMP)
    bugfix for appletrailers
    images in listview
    Add/Remove Favorites fixed
    Configuration shows installed splitters for now, more to come

    Version 0.8.7
    Skin and Playback Fixes

    Version 0.8.8
    Another try to fix playback issues
    Minor bugfixes/usability enhancements

    Version 0.8.9
    Added Cast to AppleTrailers DetailsPage (only B3 skins as of now)
    No Videos found will go back to category view

    Version 0.9.0
    SkinChange: Prefixed all Properties with OnlineVideos., to prevent interference with other plugins
    Playback Bugfixes
    Das Erste - config option for High and Low Quality (Bandwidth)
    AppleTrailers - removed non working config options for Quality
    YouTube - config option for Quality (HD, Normal, Low)
    Empflix fixed
    ******* - Images fixed and Enabled Previous/Next Page browsing
    Msnbc - Now has Images
    LiveVideo - new site

    Version 0.9.1
    SkinSupport in MPI - XFace
    SVTPlay - new site
    ZDF - enabled Search
    DasErste - beta support for rtmp streaming of flv files (see it working: Sportschau)
    ***** - next and previous page brwosing + search added
    ******* - Duration added to Info
    Empflix - fixed

    Version 0.9.2
    Added Search and Next/Prev Page functions to a lot of sites
    Das Erste: made more files playable
    VeryFunnyAds: New Categories
    DownloadedVideos: now with thumbs, contextmenu allows to delete and play all
    TED: Added missing feeds
    YahooMusicVideos: No more FlashPlayer installed needed
    bugfixes, cleanups

    Version 0.9.3
    Apple Trailers: enabled search
    NBA: added new site
    Localization improved
    DirectShow Playback of mms streams (enables OSD and skipping)
    Improved Favorites (Site-Thumbs, Search enabled, bugfixes)
    Reworked Blue3Wide skin
    PlayAll should work now

    Version 0.9.4
    YouTube: Fixes (more files playable)
    DasErste: Fixes (more files playable)
    *******: Site Changed - Fixed
    Channel-Streams can have Icons now (see Vodcasts-Live TV)

    Version 0.9.5
    each site can have a language set for it - is displayed in home view (list mode)
    home view: allow order by language or name
    categories can have thumbs now and category view can now be small/large icon view
    automatic view chosing: catorgory and video view will change to list automatically if there are no thumbs
    Blue3Wide Skin updated to allow Overlay
    General: Fixed downloading, Fixed Image Downloading, Added Thumbs
    YahooMusicVideo: Fixed downloaded file names
    WDR: new site
    Metacafe: added some more categories
    DailyMotion: fixed

    Version 0.9.7
    Improved Configuration Screen (Sites can now be added, reordered, imported, less Save buttons, nicer UI)
    Apple Trailers: fixed by including a local proxy
    Miro: New Site, still in testing (Categeories with SubCategories)
    Fixed a thumbnail bug
    Blue3Wide Skin compatible with MediaPortal 1.1

    Version 0.9.8 : new site (videos are split in 4 parts, playback done as playlist)
    Yahoo Music Videos : added subcategories - more videos reachable
    Downloaded Videos: fixed
    Entering pin for adult sites in Config and in MediaPortal now has * for characters
    Added missing skinfiles for StreamedMP

    Version 0.9.9
    Configuration: Removed one more Save button (Save RSS)
    Configuration: Added Question to save changes when closing
    Blue3Wide: Updated to look the same on 1.1 (frame for thumbs was not shown)
    Blue3: Updated to have all the features and the same look as Blue3Wide
    StreamedMP: skin files are no longer deployed with MPI, they are included in skin release
    *******: Fixed again
    NBA: using SubCategories now
    Msnbc: Updated to use the new rss feeds instead of outdated ones
    Vodcasts: Added 2 Discovery Channels, Israel russian, n-tv (Fixed redirected Urls with Escaped Characters)
    Favorites: will now only show Videos from AgeCheck enabled sites if the pin has been entered before.

    Version 0.9.10
    Fixed Configuration "assembly not found" bug
    new hover images for Blue3 skins to look more integrated into the skin
    enhanced some site icons

    Version 0.10.0
    added some feeds suggested from users
    improved loading speed for svtutil (thumb downloads now as with all other utils in separate thread)
    fixed Configuration GUI bugs (moving sites up and down broke everything)

    Version 0.11.0
    MTV MusicVideos: new site
    RTL-Now: new site
    wwitv: new site new site
    Break: added categories, fixed search
    YouTube: dynamic categories no longer include deprecated ones and can be turned off completely
    Metacafe: got Categories from API
    Empflix: fixed (site changed)
    x Hamster: fixed (site changed)
    plugin by default does not show adult sites, pin must be set in configuration, age warning
    blue3wide skin with rounded corners (recent svn needed)
    Fixed bug that facadeView.list was not working in skin on first entering the plugin
    sites have a description now
    some logos imporved
    configuration screen improved
    added Cache for Webrequests
    currently playing video will now show the title as displayed in facade (not url)
    On known filetypes, the File Source Url is always added as Source filter (gets more files playable)

    Version 0.12.0
    RockTelevision: Fixed invalid Urls
    ZDF Mediathek: fixed spelling error, updated to new API
    Empflix: regex loosened to fix site again
    wwitv: changed regex to include also recorded streams
    Fixed: Category Thumbs were displayed on Videos without thumbs
    Added: WMP Video Player to get rid of flickering and make asx show as video not audio
    Facade: added fast key search, press a letter/number and the next item starting with it will be selected

    Version 0.13.0
    WMPVideoPlayer changed to also work for MediaPortal 1.02 (RockTelevision, wwitv)
    DasErsteMediathek: rtmp link slightly changed, should work better now
    3sat: now enabled by default (wmv streams available in addition to rtsp)

    Version 0.14.0
    new sites: Kabel1, Pro7, Sat1, Orf, Arte, MDR - Thx hioctane.
    fixed sites: RTLNow, Empflix, ********
    fixed display issues with related/favorites/search videos
    fixed: can't add related/search videos to favorites after viewing favorites
    fixed: downloaded files without extension
    improved Title setting for playing video (vs. part of url)

    Version 0.15.0, CollegeHumor: new sites (thx hioctane)
    Kabel1,Pro7,Sat1: fixed (thx hioctane)
    Revision3: updated with new shows, thumbs for all categories
    ********: fixed again
    YouTube: added support for users playlists as category
    ZDF: faster retrieval of categories (multithreaded)
    DownloadedVideos: shows downloads currently in progress
    Added ability to download mms:// streams

    Version 0.16.0
    YouTube: Fixed Playback Problems (fmt_map value and videos that didn't allow embedding)
    Added,,, onsnetnuenen (thx doskabouter)
    Added SF1,VoxNow,NDR (thx hioctane)
    Added Viasat (Sport TV3 TV6 TV8)
    Updated NBA
    Fixed Empflix and *****
    Added Property for skinners: #OnlineVideos.state which will be one of the following values: sites, categories, videos, details. It tells what the plugin is currently displaying, so skinners can use conditional visibility with string comparison (MePo 1.1 feature).

    Version 0.17.0
    added SesameStreet, movies4men, tvgorge, hardwareinfo,, (doskabouter)
    fixed GameTrailers, CNN, CollegeHumor, SF1m rtlNow, voxNow (hioctane)
    fixed DasErsteMediathek, *****, ********, MyVideo
    added BBC iPlayer
    added WMP buffer configuration setting
    fixed a bug with deflate stream handling and response encodings wrapped in "".
    improved handling of background tasks. (default timeout 15 seconds to stop freezing)
    PlayAll now gets urls in background with timeout
    Sites with alternative Urls for a video can now give the user a choice (popup dialog), eg. DasErsteMediathek
    You can now use the default shortcuts for next item and previous item (default F7/F8) to go to next/prev page.
    Many internal code cleanups

    Version 0.18.0
    Added another GUI to manage sites (add, remove, update)
    Every user can participate now and publish his own site from Config
    Added Automatic Update on Plugin first Load (Config Option to turn off)
    Split the Plugin in seperate DLLs to allow autoupdate
    Old OnlineVideoSites.xml is not overwritten by installer (embedded resource and only used when not found)
    Forgetting the Pin when exiting OnlineVideos fixed
    Plugin GUI now Localized (Skinners need to update according to Blue3Wide skin)
    Added SMS T9 style filtering in all views (Skinners: use #OnlineVideos.filter to show the current filter)
    Playback now sets #Play.Current.*** GuiProperties
    Plugin now supports #itemcount GUIProperty (also added to Blue3Wide skins)
    LogEntries are now always prefixed with [OnlineVideos]
    SearchResults now also shows the search string in header
    Added ExternalOSDLibrary for WMPVideoPlayer
    Speedup and Enhancements for thumbnail display
    Fixed downloading of flv files with wrong extension
    PlayAll bugfixes
    Added: Cornerstone Script support (dukus)
    Added:,, (hioctane)
    Added: TVGemist, TVE, ThatGuyWithTheGlasses (paul.doskabouter)
    Fixed: DasErste, Break, Cinemassacre, Orf, SesameStreet, Miro, TvTutti, LiveVideo, CollegeHumor, wwitv, NOS, SouthparkUtil
    Apple Trailers: Fixes + option dialog for qualities (the one configured selected by default).
    YouTube: Fixes + default page size user setting (currently 27 to fill exactly one screen in B3W) + now displays a list of available qualities
    ZDFMediathek: added "Sendung verpasst" for 7 day TV catchup
    YahooMusicVideos: new UserOption for PageSize

    Version 0.19.0
    Changed AutoUpdate so timeouts won't happen anymore
    Current Downloads now shows progress in details and can be refreshed.
    Bugfix for Play with MultipleFileUrls (e.g. ORF).
    YouTube: clips can now also be added to internal Favorites.
    YouTube: added config option to retrieve data with locale information. Defaults to false.
    Apple Trailers added to Favorites now also allow choosing a quality when playing from favorites.
    Added Serien
    Added KabouterWesley

    Version 0.20.0

    Visibility of GuiElements in the details view needs to be defined in the skin (see B3W skin)
    Properties in details view changed completely to support new iTunes Trailer Site (see B3W skin)
    new GuiProperties: selectedSite and selectedSiteUtil (see Wiki)
    Fixed GuiProperty Initialization
    Description for Categories now also set to #OnlineVideos.desc
    Categorized the files to be installed
    Included script setting full access rights for current user on satellite dll folder
    Reports for Sites can be viewed now (ContextMenu)
    Added 2 more filter options (language, creator)
    Fixed Bug when F11 for screenshot pressed
    new DLLs can be overwritten at runtime and UAC enabled system will now prompt
    AutoUpdate only update Sites that are enabled
    Updated RTMP lib. Most Videos now play correctly to the end. Better Link generaton.
    Bugfix in VideoPlayer so the graph can be viewed from GraphStudio now
    Added buffering before playback start of files delivered (or restreamed - rtmp proxy) via http.
    Added a 5 sec timeout (default was 100) for thumbnail downloading, so the thread won't get stalled.
    Fixed freeze when ShowLastActiveModule is enabled and OnlineVideos was selected
    Compatibility Fix for MePo 1.1 RC2
    FavoriteUtil Bugfix. (Favs from Sites that have been removed would throw exception when getting categories)
    Replaced Apple Trailers with iTunes Movie Trailers (apondman)

    Version 0.21.0
    New sites:, NrkBrowser, TVNZOnDemand
    DownloadedVideos: in subdirectories (named as site), added searching and sorting
    Improved WMPVideoPlayer
    last search query is restored in VirtualKeyboard when searching again on a site (optional)
    fixed disappearing thumbnails
    Updated Blue3 skins to reflect changes of RC4 (Now all views show x/xx videos / categories / sites)
    Added deletion of old thumbnails on first load. ThumbAge can be set in Configuration.
    Playback Enhancement1:
    No more freezing MediaPortal GUI when playback needs to buffer the complete file before starting. WaitCursor is shown until playback is ready. Buffering can now be stopped. User is shown how much has been buffered.
    Playback Enhancement2:
    TV progressbar is used in OSD now to show the progress of the buffer, so User knows how far he can skip.

    Version 0.22.0
    cosmetric skin fixes
    Localized Error Messages in the GUI
    less resource usage, only one proxy instance
    added special to iInstaller
    buffering can now alos be canceled with PreviousMenu action (default ESC)
    fixed Typo for thumbnail age not beeing saved
    more internal playback fixes

    Version 0.23.0
    improved OSD for WindowsMediaPlayer overlay
    rtmp playback fixes
    favorites now working for videos in rss feeds where multiple playback urls are directly given in the rss (3sat)
    large thumbs now automatically resized according to MePo settings
    many minor code fixes and improvements

    Version 0.24.0
    fixed: YouTube
    added: possibility to retrieve sites from global list within Configuration.
    fixed: Configuration showing wrong state on 3state checkbox for autoupdate.
    fixed possible infinite loop while pre-buffering
    fixed WindowsMediaPlayer crash with ExternalOSD
    Added a latest version check before AutoUpdate
    SiteManager shows reports for a site sorted by date (newest first)
    Added more localized strings
    Small Blue3wide skin improvements
    Successful start of a download shows a notification, else error message
    Added a possibility to Cancel a download in progress.
    Downloading no longer freezes MediaPortal's ContextMenu on slower systems
    Added a possibility for SiteUtils to create and handle their own ContextMenu entries.
    Added optional uninstall question to delete all settings, good for reseting OnlineVideos
    Popup Messages now use the configured name of the plugin.
    fixed missing url absolutify for thumb on dynamic categories in GenericSiteUtil
    fixed forceUTF8Encoding not used for all webrequests in GenericSiteUtil

    Version 0.25.0
    Moved to .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and VS2010.
    Split OnlineVideos in two seperate dlls (OnlineVideos core framework and MediaPortal GUI).
    Sites that are already in the local list are now dimmed in the SiteManager.
    Upped some timeouts in RTMP connection to fix slow connections and aborted playback.
    Added new RTMP connection parameters.
    Fixed freezes and endless waitcursor on fast repeated playback.
    Added tool to create and edit sites based on regexps (can be started from Configuration).
    Numeric display for percentage buffered shows one decimal place.
    Fixed Configuration overwriting siteutil on sites where the util was missing (sites now display red).
    Removed Favorites button from hidden menu.
    The pin was forgotten when going from the OnlineVideos window to the SiteManager window.
    Downloaded Videos - category "All" didn't filter videos from pin protected sites.
    Added a context menu option on Downloaded Videos and Favorites to delete all videos.

    Version 0.26.0
    Improved MediaPortal startup speed by loading settings at first plugin entering.
    Skins can now override Site Icons and Banners.
    Improved ExternalOSD for WMPPLayer.
    RTMP reconnect added.
    Category lists with one category are now automatically skipped.
    #header.label now holds the recursive name of the current category.
    Made HTTP Source Filter configurable.
    Intoduced a Hoster-concept, RSS feeds can now link to pages of known hosters, the url will be resolved to the playback file.

    Version 0.27.0
    Added: SearchHistory
    Added: SubCategories will now be read from OnlineVideoSites.xml
    Fixed: Duplicate Categories on Sites with dynamic categories when using SiteManager
    Added: Support for starting Plugin with a parameter
    Fixed: Buffering stopped prematurely because webdata timeout was used on playback start
    Fixed: MePo GUI freeze while SourceFiler connect sto the http server
    Added: support for rtmp live streams
    Fixed: Not able to use SMS style (T9) Filter
    Skinning Enhancement: Added support for #itemtype
    Skinning: DetailsView shows trailer date in label2 and first trailer is selected
    Many other small bugfixes/enhancements

    Version 0.28.0
    Added: User defined grouping of sites (default: by language), shown as another view prior to sites
    Added: skip buffering by pressing play during pre-buffering
    Added: Jump straight to details view if you search for a movie with an exact match
    Added: thumbnails for listitems details view
    Added: Loading plugin with startparameters now also possible using GUIProperty
    Skinning Enhancement: #itemtype now also supported in SiteManager
    Reworked: Paging in the VideoList now done with a single extra item at the end of the list. Click to append the next page videos to the list
    Skinning: new icon - NextPage.png needed, buttons next / previous page can be removed from menu
    Skinning: #selecteditem2 now shows the Length of a clip (was: #OnlineVideos.length)
    Fixed: Added RssLinks and Channels in Configuration were not saved
    Fixed: Relevant DLL (if needed) is not downloaded if user choose site in "Manage Sites"
    Fixed: Not able to download clips with equal names
    Fixed: Settings that can be modified at runtime using the MPEI plugin are now reloaded when entering the plugin
    many other additions and fixes that can be checked from the svn log

    Version 0.29.0
    compatible with MediaPortal 1.2 beta (including new Default(Wide) skin)
    Added: support VLC media player as external player
    Added: context menu allows play with: MediaPortal, Windows Media Player, VLC media player
    Added: Categories can now be added to Favorites
    Added: context menu on a site to configure user settings inside MediaPortal (e.g. VideoQuality on YouTube)
    Added: subtitle support (for internal player)
    Added: Only prompt for update if last update older then x hours
    Fixed: SkipBuffering now also reacts to the Play button on remotes
    Fixed: AutoUpdate now also disables broken sites (previously only FullUpdate did)
    Fixed: removed black rectangle in upper left corner on first playback
    Fixed: PlayAll was not working
    Fixed: A direct search on sites with "search categories" (via startup parameters) failed
    Fixed: threading issue when skipping buffering (was trying to start playback multiple times)

    Version 0.30.0
    rtmp: fixed live streams, connection problems, swf hash calulation
    added Option to put Favorites and Downloads sites first
    reworked Codecs tab in Configuration to test playback
    added new info for videos: Airdate (GuiProperty: #OnlineVideos.aired)
    YouTube: fixed localized content no available, added "New Videos" in User's Subscribtions
    Downloads: refresh current downloading progress info while showing
    SiteManager: user can now report broken sites from within MediaPortal
    SiteManager: invoke AutomaticUpdate from button in hidden menu
    SiteManager: update all sites shown (filtered) from contextmenu

    Version 0.31.0
    fixed: when all thumbs of displayed categories are the same switch to list layout
    fixed: for imageurls with invalid chars in it
    fixed: RSS feeds with items where the url ends with linebreaks caused Exception
    fixed: bug when saving sites xml with empty groups
    new feature: Playlist Playback without Playback Choices dialog (needs to be done per Site, implemented on YouTube)
    new feature: rtmp handshake type 9 now supported
    new feature: extended properties for a selected video in videos view (some added for YouTube)
    new feature: Hosters may be configured
    new feature: Youtube "Videos from this Uploader" in context menu
    new feature: context menu entries can now return a list of videos or categories that is shown
    new feature: support for (TVLinksccUtil, watch-series)
    new feature: Button in Default skins in Details View to call the trakt "Add to watchlist" feature for IMDB and iTunes sites
    new feature: searching can return a list of videos or a list of categories
    new feature: search/filter videos by entering a search string with the virtual keyboard (invoked from context menu)

    Version 0.32.0
    added: Pressing RECORD in Videos/Details View will start download of selected item
    fixed: downloading 2 files blocks all other webrequests
    fixed: trakt PLayback tracking wrong precentage calculation
    fixed: RTMP issues
    fixed: Exception when no search results were found
    added: WebRequests with specific encoding (e.g. for cyrillic sites)

    Version 0.33.0
    added: loadparameter arguments to set a download folder, filename, menu entry (currently used by MyFilms - thx Guzzi)
    added: timeout after which dynamic categories will be rediscovered
    fixed: rtmp unencrypted connections (continue even if signature does not match)
    updated: default skins for MP 1.2 Final

    added: support for "next page" while viewing catgeories
    added: source filter that supports HTTP ranges and RTMP using rtmplib
    added: updated siteutil dlls will be reloaded while MediaPortal is running
    added: latest online videos can be shown e.g. on Basic Home screen
    added: downloads can be enqueued or concurrent
    added: open a group of sites directly via load paramter
    added: favorited categories are marked and removable in their respective sites
    added: play a video by pressing PLAY without showing the choices dialog
    changed: OnlineVideos uses its own logfile

    fixed: progress dialogs not closing (updating sites)
    fixed: frozen MP GUI on some occassions when starting playback or showing playback choices
    fixed: installer not registering the source filter on some systems
    fixed: removing a Category from Favorites while inside Favorites doesn't work
    fixed: downloading of mms streams
    fixed: PlayAll does not respect the current filter
    fixed: trying to play videos from GenericSite more than once with url resolving would fail
    fixed: video of NextPage in Favorited Categories would not play
    changed: new source filter that includes LAV Splitter functionality, with changes to fix seeking in online streams
    changed: when downloading in a queue, only ask for quality on the first item, after that use the default choice
    changed: all downloaded thumbs will be saved to a subdirectory named "Cache" under the configured Thumbnail directory
    changed: rework of the "Sites" tab in Configuration
    added: all settings string (Extensions Plugin) now use localization
    added: possibility to play all shown videos in random order
    added: filter Options: OnlyLocal, OnlyRemote and context menu entry: Remove all in SiteManager
    added: queued downloads now visible in the "Current Downloads" category
    added: OnlineVideos internal player now also uses preferred codecs as configured in MediaPortal

    improved: context menu handling - more flexibility for utils (YouTube: rate and comment a video, manage playlists)
    improved: you can now add any category at any hierarchy level to favorites
    improved: SiteManager screen autorefreshes + removed unneccessary buttons
    improved: MPUrlSourceSplitter filter freezing on slow connections
    added: when going to SiteManager from inside a Site, preselect that Site in the list
    added: allow refresh rate adaption according to FPS and settings in MediaPortal
    added: press the INFO key (F3) when in videos view to show additional information (skin update required)
    added: event when a download finished for other plugins
    added: pressing HOME (H) goes to OnlineVideos root view
    added: include Extensions plugin mpe in the installer (optional install)
    added: dialog to create a RtmpUrl with parameters from the CreateEditSite dialog
    added: Allow reordering of Groups, RssLinks and Channels in Edit Site dialog
    added: methods OnPlaybackEnded and OnDownloadEnded to SiteUtilBase class
    added: remember Layout per Category and Site
    fixed: possible MP GUI freezing on stopping videos
    fixed: SiteManager now also shows sites that are only in local file, so user can delete them

    fixed: SiteManager live filter for user crashes MP when you have local sites that have no online pendent
    fixed: playing a file from Downloaded Videos in MP1 did not use refresh rate adaption
    fixed: source filters rare freeze on seek, pause, stop and play
    fixed: source filter improved seeking and faster video starting
    fixed: incompatibility with latest LAV filters
    added: source filter ASX stream parser and MMS protocol
    added: source filter option for specifying cache folder
    added: support for png files for thumbs
    added: support for subtitles from text in addition to url
    changed: plugin settings xml for MPEI GUI plugin now split into sections and uses minvalue/maxvalue feature

    added support for dynamic HTTP streaming protocols from Adobe and Microsoft
    now showing error messages source filter to have more info for the user than "no url"
    changed format of translation xml files - now using Transifex
    fixed Configuration SitesGroup Thumbnail not saved
    added prompt to DownloadedVideos when selecting Delete or Delete All
    fixed some problems with downloading of videos
    fixed topbar showing up and keeping focus in fullscreen playback and pressing UP to do an instant skip step
    fixed WinXP problems: only call EVR functions in dshowhelper.dll when MP is using EVR
    fixed problems with playlist playback (and split videos)
    fixed url generation with relative Urls in GenericSiteUtil

    changed Skin Properties: #header.label -> #OnlineVideos.HeaderLabel / #header.image -> #OnlineVideos.HeaderImage
    SiteParser: enhanced Layout, added ToolTips, allow to select Icon and Banner, fixed NextPage Videos, added ability to specify and test searching
    MpUrlSourceSplitter: fixed compatibility with MPAR, allow sending cookies, improved AFHS protocol
    fixed: VideoScreen switching between Fullscreen and MiniWindow not working in MP1.3
    fixed: VolumeOverlay shown incorrectly in MP1.3 in FullScreenVideo
    fixed: extended search useless, because the text is not set as initial in the VirtualKeyboard
    fixed: show correct number of Videos in details view
    fixed: changing "auto group by language" settings to yes via MPEI plugin and going back to OV has only Other group - groups needed to be build
    fixed: SiteManager after deleting a site - cursor is placed on first site, not the one below (when "only local" are shown)
    fixed: incorrect reading of translation xml files (escaped apostrophes)
    fixed: unable to view videos from deleted sites in Downloadeds
    added: sorting in Favorites Site (by Name, Airdate, Duration)
    added: downloading subtitles when videos are downloaded
    improved: conflict resolution for SiteUtils and Hosters with equal names: Use the Type defined in the assembly with the latest compile time
    improved: DefaultWide skin uses an OnlineVideos specific video overlay

    added: "Play All (From here)" to context menu
    added: SearchRelatedKeywords via context menu (thx Guzzi)
    added: new virtual method to Hoster class that allows passing a proxy
    added: skinfiles for Titan skin
    fixed: Toggle subtitles (L on keyboard) not working in fullscreen playback
    fixed: incorrect dialog asking to update the local site when trying to report it broken
    siteparser: now possible to edit videolistregex at search-results
    improved: made MPUrlSourceSplitter a standalone MPE package and included it as reference

    fixed: SiteManager converts LastUpdated to Local Time taking the timezone into account
    fixed: removed excessive logging of MMS Downloader
    changed: Webservice reference now uses DNS instead of IP
    changed: OnlineVideos log files preserve extension
    changed: removed Titan skin files from SVN and installer (they are maintained by Titan Team)
    added: downloaded video also save matroska xml with the Title, Description, Airdate
    added: made skipping single categories user-configurable for each site
    fixed some bugs related to live streaming (AFHS, RTMP)
    changed MMS protocol implementation supports re-opening connection
    added new error - connection lost, cannot be reopened
    added live flag to all protocols
    fixed HTTP protocol signaling end of stream
    fixed time based seeking to issue seek request to same time faster pausing and stopping video playback
    fixed freezing when seeking and no data available
    fixed re-opening connection if connection is lost

    fixed DownloadedVideos site shows incorrect video title for some sites
    fixed running OnlineVideos Config from MediaPortal Extension Manager
    added a new type of Player: "Browser" - with a supplemental executable to show a browser window full screen for DRM protected videos
    added Javascript Engine (Jurassic) that allows executing javascript code
    added a GUIProperty so skinners can use the user-configured OnlineVideos plugin-name (#OnlineVideos.HomeScreenName)
    changed: HosterBase now inherits from MarshalByRefObject so Hosters can be used from other plugins easier

    compatibility with MediaPortal 1.7

    fixed SearchHistory not restored correctly on next MP start (Encoding was wrong)
    fixed possible MediaPortal crashes due to the notify dialog after Download not called on UI thread
    improved handling of actions for Browser Host based Site Utils and provide a way of automatically enabling/disabling Silverlight Application storage
    included Titan skin files

    fixed: search history not restored on next start (encoding was wrong)
    fixed: possible MediaPortal crash due to the notify dialog after a download not called on UI thread
    added: option to pass subtitle info from a Hoster to a SiteUtil
    added: automatic encryption of user's passwords
    improved Browser Host Player
    included Titan skin files
    moved to .Net 4.0
    changed: now using the new (merged) IPTV/URL filter
    OnlineVideos core API cleanup

    added HTTPS as valid protocol
    added custom HTTP headers support for MPUrlSource filter
    improved Hoster url matching
    added warning dialog when getting empty url from playbackoptions
    improved browser host memory usage by minimising MediaPortal to the system tray
    moved to github

    added options to configure remote server authentication or proxy server authentication for HTTP, AFHS, MSHS and M3U8 protocols
    BrowserPlayer changes to support MediaPortal2

    MediaPortal 1.16 support
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    Germany Germany
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    • #2
    Please note that OnlineVideos 2.0 has a lot of breaking changes to the previous version. In order to have a good install, please:
    1. uninstall the previous OnlineVideos version
    2. uninstall the older MPUrlSource Splitter
    3. install Onlinevideos 2.0
    4. install the newer IPTV and URL Source Splitter (if not done with OV 2.0)
    Older SiteUtil Dlls are no longer compatible, so check your OnlineVideos.log to see which ones can be deleted.

    Depending Plugins also need to be updated:
    • Trailers by @ltfearme
    • StreamedMP BasicHome editor by @ltfearme
    • most likley other Basic Home editors based on that one

    I want to take this place to thank all people that gave their efforts to make this new release possible. Without your contributions Onlinevideos would never have gone where it is now! Keep up the great work guys!(y)
    Last edited:


    Super User
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  • November 28, 2007
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    One note for Beta test users - do not install OnlineVideos 2.0 from MPEM, this might (will?) install the Beta version again.
    This is how I installed the new version:
    • Unistall beta from MPEM (no need to remove settings)
    • Clear cache in MPEM
    • Open the window plugins directory and remove any remaining online videos files
    • Install the mpe1 file linked to from the opening post (OnlineVideos will not be in the list of known plugins in MPEM after the cache is cleared and and an update of the list)
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2011
    whereever my feet take me...
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thx for the update mate!

    I do however get this error when selecting the Plugins section in MediaPortal - Configuration:

    An error occured while loading the plugin StreamedMPEditor.formStreamedMpEditor.
    It's incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded.

    I am running MediaPortal 1.10.0 using StreamedMP skin. Also tested on 1.10.100 with same result.
    Not sure which logs to add here, so if I can be of help uploading them, just tell me which ones.


    Super User
  • Team MediaPortal
  • Super User
  • November 28, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Thx for the update mate!

    I do however get this error when selecting the Plugins section in MediaPortal - Configuration:

    An error occured while loading the plugin StreamedMPEditor.formStreamedMpEditor.
    It's incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded.

    I am running MediaPortal 1.10.0 using StreamedMP skin. Also tested on 1.10.100 with same result.
    Not sure which logs to add here, so if I can be of help uploading them, just tell me which ones.

    Depending Plugins also need to be updated:
    • Trailers by @ltfearme
    • StreamedMP BasicHome editor by @ltfearme
    • most likley other Basic Home editors based on that one

    Have you tried this version of the StreamedMP editor: ?


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2011
    whereever my feet take me...
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Just setup the fix you mentioned and that took care of that error.

    Now as I was trying OV from Mepo, I found something iffy when starting a trailer from the iTunes site. URL not found.

    The OV log reports the following:

    [03-27 14:37:21,854] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Using language 'nl'
    [03-27 14:37:21,984] [OVInit ] [DEBUG] Translating skin
    [03-27 14:37:22,046] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Thumbnails will be stored in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\OnlineVideos\ with a maximum age of 100 days.
    [03-27 14:37:22,575] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Loaded 20 sites from OnlineVideoSites.xml
    [03-27 14:37:22,979] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:36)
    [03-27 14:37:23,024] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.apondman (Version: 2.0.5563.33589, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:39)
    [03-27 14:37:23,027] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.brownard (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:40)
    [03-27 14:37:23,028] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.corporategadfly (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:42)
    [03-27 14:37:23,031] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.DavidCalder (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:43)
    [03-27 14:37:23,042] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.diebagger (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:40)
    [03-27 14:37:23,054] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.Dj_Moren (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:41)
    [03-27 14:37:23,055] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.doskabouter (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 20:27:56)
    [03-27 14:37:23,110] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.hioctane (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:39)
    [03-27 14:37:23,112] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.ksya (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:43)
    [03-27 14:37:23,112] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.ministerk (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:42)
    [03-27 14:37:23,116] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.MrP (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:43)
    [03-27 14:37:23,118] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.offbyone (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:39)
    [03-27 14:37:23,154] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.pilehave (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:39)
    [03-27 14:37:23,155] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.rick164 (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:41)
    [03-27 14:37:23,156] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.SilentException (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:39)
    [03-27 14:37:23,156] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.SK_CZ (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:41)
    [03-27 14:37:23,158] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.titof (Version:, Compiled: 2015-03-26 18:39:40)
    [03-27 14:37:23,159] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Found 177 SiteUtils and 72 Hosters in 18 assemblies
    [03-27 14:37:23,360] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Created 21 SiteUtils
    [03-27 14:37:23,462] [OVLatest ] [INFO ] LatestVideosManager getting new data from SiteUtils.
    [03-27 14:37:23,929] [OVLatest ] [INFO ] LatestVideosManager found 3 videos from 1 SiteUtils.
    [03-27 14:37:24,516] [OVLatest ] [INFO ] Invalid Image: '' De externe server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (404) Niet gevonden.
    [03-27 14:38:16,759] [MPMain ] [INFO ] DoPageLoad with CurrentState 'groups', PreviousWindowId '35'
    [03-27 14:38:23,291] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Looking for dynamic categories for site 'iTunes Movie Trailers'
    [03-27 14:38:23,297] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Found 5 dynamic categories for site 'iTunes Movie Trailers'
    [03-27 14:38:25,464] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET: ''
    [03-27 14:38:37,041] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET: ''
    [03-27 14:38:37,309] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET: ''
    [03-27 14:38:48,141] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET: ''
    [03-27 14:38:48,473] [MPMain ] [INFO ] Preparing graph for playback of ''
    [03-27 14:38:48,821] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Start prebuffering ...
    [03-27 14:39:08,892] [OnlineVideos] [WARN ] System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xFFFFFFEC): Uitzondering van HRESULT: 0xFFFFFFEC
    bij System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
    bij System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode)
    bij OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.OnlineVideosPlayer.BufferFile(SiteUtilBase siteUtil)
    [03-27 14:39:08,893] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Buffering was aborted.
    [03-27 14:39:09,021] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Prebuffering failed.

    Anything I did wrong here?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    Germany Germany
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    • #8
    Soure you have the correct filter installed? I explicity wrote it down:


    • Filter.jpg
      66.3 KB


    Portal Member
    October 3, 2009
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    No Context Menu for YouTube. Works OK on my other sites. Logs shown only for YouTube.

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