Area: Media Portal Progrogram
MP Version: 0.2RC1
Skin: MCE
Windows Version: XP_SP2
CPU Type: Pentium III 1GHz
Memory: 512MB
Motherboard Chipset: Intel Acorp 8515E
Video Card: ATI 9000 PRO
Video Card Driver: Latest Catalyst
Video Card Resolution: 848x480
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: elecard
Audio Codec Type & Version: elecard
Audio Card Audiotek Maya 5.1MKII
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR150MCE
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: latest
I found very strange bug related to playing audio CD on my MP configuration. Everything is ok with first audio cd played, but when I replace that CD with another one it plays ok, but track lengths are from old CD. Effect of this bug is that MP has transitions from song to song when real transition occures, but it has transitions (1-2 sec of pause) in a middle of the song because it has wrong track lengths.
Is it a known bug? Is there any solution, workaround...?
MP Version: 0.2RC1
Skin: MCE
Windows Version: XP_SP2
CPU Type: Pentium III 1GHz
Memory: 512MB
Motherboard Chipset: Intel Acorp 8515E
Video Card: ATI 9000 PRO
Video Card Driver: Latest Catalyst
Video Card Resolution: 848x480
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: elecard
Audio Codec Type & Version: elecard
Audio Card Audiotek Maya 5.1MKII
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR150MCE
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: latest
I found very strange bug related to playing audio CD on my MP configuration. Everything is ok with first audio cd played, but when I replace that CD with another one it plays ok, but track lengths are from old CD. Effect of this bug is that MP has transitions from song to song when real transition occures, but it has transitions (1-2 sec of pause) in a middle of the song because it has wrong track lengths.
Is it a known bug? Is there any solution, workaround...?