I still have the old installation of my MP2 Server. Is it possible to copy some file into the new installation to get back my old config?
Best regards, Olli
I still have the old installation of my MP2 Server. Is it possible to copy some file into the new installation to get back my old...
Frohe Weihnachten erstmal an alle!
Die ruhige Zeit habe ich genutzt um einen neuen Server, auch für MP2, zu installieren. Nun bin...
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Hello everyone,
I'm going to need help from the community to resolve a TV server crash issue.
I encountered a problem with my...