I was just looking at some M$ example code to do this with VMR9 and it doesn't look too bad. Is this something people would use?
Only issue I see immediately is how you control it. With no PIP button on the remote (at least my MCE2005 US doesn't have one) how would you turn it off and on, select source for the subwindow, move the subwindow, swap sources, etc.
Look for all GUI Exif properties: MediaPortal-1/mediaportal/Core/Util/ExifExtensions.cs at 58c955866fb54a8c293afe525862bbb50c8f7b28 · MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1
And: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/4986-add-to-mypictures-plugin-ability-to-search-view-by-keyword.133895/post-1273275
Look for all GUI Exif properties: MediaPortal-1/mediaportal/Core/Util/ExifExtensions.cs at 58c955866fb54a8c293afe525862bbb50c8f7b28...
I would like one of the above IPTC metadata fields to display when viewing pictures in MP. I don't really care which, as I can...
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until I switched to my HTPC which is my primary source. When I switch to the HTPC the screen goes blank for a long time and then I have sound, no picture, and in the lower left hand corner:
"Source: HDMI 1
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until...
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until...