I'm not sure if somebody did a post on this allready.
If so, i was not able to find it.
How to play your streams fullscreen;
I have lots of streamfiles (*.asx) with different format referrals in them.
While i'm aware of the fact that playing streams in My Radio was not intended and a newer release will probably give the option to play them under My video's (Great Work Guy's ! Keep it up !!)
I wanted to play them fullscreen NOW ! :shock:
The solution is simple and slightly ugly but failproof.
1 Just place all your asx files in a directory within your movie or radio
directory. (elsewhere, no problem of course)
2 Set Media Player Classic (see new codecs in release as the
external player in the configuration screen under Movie Player.
*(startup M P C outside MP)
3 Make sure you set M P C to open all files in fullscreen.
4 and to remember te previous window setting.
5 associate M P C with all filetypes
6 disable logo on startup
7 disable statusbar and other bars.
8 disable or set other things on your way wich i forgot to mention.
9 Set the key's and other input you normally use for play pause exit etc.
10 Set your audio as you like.
Now you have set up M P C as an external player for all know filetype's
including ASX and *.RM
ok, it doesn't look that pretty, :?
and you get a pulldown menu while exitting the player.
but heey it play's nicely and is configurable !
Greetings !
Hope to see that streaming capability within MP soon !
Having fun with MP in the meanwhile !