Play sounds parallel with DirectSound (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 14, 2012
Home Country
Ukraine Ukraine
How i can do this? i need window handel but where i can find it?
this class of page inherited from GUIWindow
 Device dSound;
                        dSound = new Device();
                        dSound.SetCooperativeLevel(NEED_HANDEL, CooperativeLevel.Priority);
                        var sounddevice = new Device();
                        SecondaryBuffer soundd;
                        BufferDescription d = new BufferDescription();
                        // Set descriptor’s flags
                        d.ControlPan = true;
                        d.ControlVolume = true;
                        d.ControlFrequency = true;
                        d.ControlEffects = true;
                        soundd = new SecondaryBuffer(@"c:\incoming_call.wav", d, dSound);
                        soundd.Volume = 0;
                        soundd.Play(0, BufferPlayFlags.Looping);
sound not play.

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