Plugin documentation in wiki (1 Viewer)


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  • October 30, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Currently, the wiki contains two pages which list MediaPortal plugins, one for included plugins and one for downloadable plugins.

    The list for included plugins is located on the MediaPortal Setup Plugins page. Because of this location, the links all go to only the configuration pages of these plugins, not to complete plugin documentation.

    The other page is the MediaPortal Extensions - Plugins page.

    Should this page also link to only the configuration information of these plugins, just like the other list?

    Or should this list link to full information of the plugins (overview, download info, configuration info, usage info, etc), but thereby causing inconsistency with the included plugins where information on configuration is split apart from the usage info?

    In the latter case, would there be interest in a page that links directly to usage information for plugins? (Basically a lot like the Plugins page in the MediaPortal Download Respository, but with the space for lots more documentation and the possibility for the community to update this info in case the writer doesn't have the time to do this.)

    I hope this was a bit clear. My question is mainly what the community feels about which plugin documentation should be included in the wiki and how it should be organised.

    Thanks, Peter


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  • December 26, 2004
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    MediaPortal Extensions - Plugins
    every listen plugin there has to be a subpage of Extensions-Plugins.
    i.e. Extensions-Plugins/MyDVDS

    the subpage MyDVDS has to include EVERYTHING about this plugin.
    download, overview, manual, thread in the forums ect.
    there must not be other pages for this external plugin.

    same goes for skins.​

    MediaPortal Setup Plugins
    every plugin which is in svn is listed here.
    all these plugins have their own subpage.
    i.e. MediaPortalSetup_Plugins/PowerScheduler

    on that page the plugin configuration is described.
    in many cases this is only how to enable/disable the plugin and if it should be listed in homescreen or under plugins in MediaPortal

    if a plugin has its own configuration part in configuartion.exe like MyWeather, then the plugin configuration page looks like --> this <--

    The documentaion how you use a plugin is described in Chapter 4 of the MediaPortal Manual (if the plugin has a GUI in MediaPortal).​

    So manuals for usage and configuration have their own pages for all plugins which are in the svn.

    All informations about an Extension-Plugin is described on one page.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 30, 2006
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    Norway Norway

    What about plugins that are in the "MediaPortal Plugins" SVN (; should they also be included with the plugins that are "in the SVN", or should that be considered a seperate SVN?

    Plugins that are currently there:
    • my recipes plugin
    • Multishortcut plugin
    • Web Browser Plugin
    • my file explorer plugin
    • my ClickMania plugin
    • MyFilms (MesFilms) v3.1
    • my explorer plugin
    • my status plugin


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    its so simple. ;)

    if it is not in the MediaPortal SVN

    then its an External Plugin :)

    the svn you are refering in your post is just a project/facility the Team MediaPortal has created to aid other ppl in developmement of their external plugins.
    simmilar to the wiki page External Plugin, which has only been created to help ppl to store and show their work at one central place.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 30, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    You are right, it is very simple --- once it has been explained. Thanks for telling.

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