Plugin Request - Mulitroom (synchronised client) Music (1 Viewer)


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  • May 5, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    To anyone who is cleverer than I am (most of you), and can write plugins, I have a plugin request.

    As the thread title suggests, would it be possible for anyone to write a plugin to enable multiroom music for setups where there are more than 1 clients on the network?

    It would be great to play music on client 1 and then go into a different room and use client 2 to connect to client 1 and play the same music. Such a plugin already exists for XBMC, so it someone could do it for MP it would be great: [RELEASE] Multiroom Audio & Video Streaming Plugin (Syncronized) - XBMC Community Forum

    I have spoken to Jameson (who is updating the music section for MP1.3, but he has too much on his plate to include this within the update.




    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Bit like Airplay... It is a cool idea... Simple notion. Very neat...

    Simple ideas I can do - complex creation I can't :)

    I suppose with Airplay, you have clients always waiting for connection and the information is "pushed" from the handheld device to the waiting device. This system would be sort of the opposite from that, where the media playing client would broadcast the fact that it can transmit media, and it would be down to the other clients to see this status and the users decide to connect and listen or not. This arrangement would need to be possible in both directions, depending upon which client started playing the music first. It would also need to be able to cope with setups where there are more than two clients and a third client might want to connect to one of a number of available media streams.

    I suppose it wouldn't necessarily need to only work for Music (one step at a time.....). If you are watching a film and need to peel the potatoes, then you could use the kitchen client to connect to the media and watch it remotely. Like the wife would let me have a kitchen client system :)

    So, do you think it is possible?

    Does anyone have the time is the next question?


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