Plugindev - How can I nail down performanceprobs with MePo 1.2 svn in facadeloading? (1 Viewer)


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  • August 20, 2007
    Hi devs,
    I am working on the MyFilms plugin and have encountered a performanceproblem, when gpoing from MePo 1.1.1 to 1.2 svn.
    The initial load of a very long list takes approx 20 seconds - in comparison 1-2 seconds with MePo 1.1.1.
    Beside some GUIcontrol stuff, there is only 2 things using MePo code, where I see there were changes done:
    1.) if (!System.IO.File.Exists(conf.FileImage)) ...
    2.) strThumb = MediaPortal.Util.Utils.GetCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieTitle, sTitle);
    Can you give me a hint how I can get back to 1.1.1 performance in loading the facade?

    Do I have to change handling - e.g. regarding the Fileaccesscaching introduced or access to Utils classes?

    Is there a free profiler available I could use to find the timeconsuming parts of the code?

    THanks in advance for your help,



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  • August 20, 2007
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    AW: Plugindev - How can I nail down performanceprobs with MePo 1.2 svn in facadeloadi

    ok, I digged a bit by myself and ran the following tests:
    Test 1:
    Running MePo 1.1.1, loading, entering plugin into listfacadeview, changed view to reload listfacade, the latter is done by GetFilmList() - time for this is 3,02 seconds.
    Test 2:
    Running MePo 1.2 with SVN from 15.11., same procedere, Runtime is 157 seconds
    Both test are Debugbuilds - without profiler and in release both runtimes are about the half.

    So running in 1.2 gives me 50 times the processingtime than 1.1.1.

    I have attached screenshots of the profiling.

    Further I noticed, that in 1.2 after 1st loading of the facade when the GUI is rendered, I get lot's of DirectX exceptions in DoRender() - what could be the cause for this? Don't have this in 1.1.1

    Further questions:
    The (newly introduced) caching seems to spend much more time for what it does than it saves ?
    There seems quite a lot of time to be spend with coverflowstuff in 1.2 - is this intensional or a bug in the plugin?

    Screenshots for Test 1 - V1.1.1 runtimeenvironment:



    Screenshots for Test 1 - V1.1.1 runtimeenvironment:







    Would very much appreciate, if you could pinpoint me, if there is maybe something wrong on pluginside, that I could fix.

    Thanks, Guzzi


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  • August 20, 2007
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    AW: Plugindev - How can I nail down performanceprobs with MePo 1.2 svn in facadeloadi

    ok, actually it's the GUIFacadeControl.Add() Call that uses the extra time with coverflow - all other types are very fast:


    Maybe it's possible to not filly load the anymations when just adding to the facade?
    filmstrip is initialized as well and is fast...

    Any help?

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