PowerDVD and SAF (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2009
Just a quick question. I want to use PowerDVD to play both my HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs but also want to use SAF as it seems to be the best codec package for MP. But the SAF installer requires that you do not have PowerDVD installed. So everytime I need update SAF i have to uninstall PowerDVD and then reinstall afterwards.

Seems a bit backwards!

What do you do for codecs with MP when using PowerDVD? Anyone got a better solution?

Thanks for any replies,

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    I have to agree, it is annoying, especially when SAF deletes the PDVD codecs, the big downside to installing the PDVD is it installs the Divx codec, which if your not careful overrides any other codec choice you may have made or installed, ie ffdshow\xvid\MPC, even if you lower its merit to do not use, but thats another story.


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  • September 3, 2006
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    How does the various codecs repond if you extract them from the SAF-installer and installs them manually?

    If I have the MPC codec from SAF 3.1 installed, then install MPC codec from saf 3.44, will this overwrite the one from 3.1 or will both of them be installed?


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  • December 16, 2006
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    You can use SAF and cyberlinks directshow codecs together.

    Just install PowerDVD on any PC and copy videofilter folder (For PowerDVD9 it's under C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD9\VideoFilter) and its content to any place on MP PC (ie. c:\Videofilter).

    Call regedit and export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink from PowerDVD PC registry and import it on MP PC.

    Finally call cmd and go to folder c:\Videofilter on MP PC (cd c:\Videofilter) and register both codecs:
    regsvr32 cl264dec.ax
    regsvr32 CLVsd.ax

    Now you can select both codecs inside MP Configuration.

    It works for me with PowerDVD8 and 9 and I can use SAF too (even reinstall without complaining).


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  • September 3, 2006
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    The problem with that is that you'll want the PowerDVD software to play back BR-disks. But if extract the files from the SAF package and manually install (regsvr32) them it should work around the problem. Or one could just switch to TMT :p


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  • December 16, 2006
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    Austria Austria
    The problem with that is that you'll want the PowerDVD software to play back BR-disks. But if extract the files from the SAF package and manually install (regsvr32) them it should work around the problem. Or one could just switch to TMT :p

    Yes, this way it will work too. For me it was important to have a good h264 codec for HDTV because SAF doesn't work here.


    Portal Pro
    January 10, 2009
    Thanks for the replies all. So to check i get you. I need to do this...

    1. Install PowerDVD on another PC, not the HTPC.
    2. Get the Video Filters folder and copy to the HPTC.
    3. Register the codecs.

    Where in the process do I install SAF and PowerDVD itself? Would it be...

    4. Install SAF on HTPC.
    5. Install PowerDVD on HTPC.

    And from then onwards if i need to install an updated SAF the installer will let me and not complain that PowerDVD is installed?


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    If your capable of doing regsvr32 on the relevant PDVD codecs then install after SAF.

    Must say MPC plays more of my h.264 files without breakup, than the equivalent PDVD h.264 codec, solid colours do not seem to have tree trunk rings growing in them :)


    Portal Pro
    January 10, 2009
    Im totally cool with doing that.

    The only reason i want PowerDVD is to play HD-DVD and Blu-Ray dics. I was under the impression that PowerDVD is a better program for playing the media than the internal player?

    I dont actually want to use PowerDVD to play h.264 files at all. I purchased the CoreAVC codec for h.264 also.


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