its driving me crazy. im now thinking about buying a standalone receiver. i disabled standby options and cannot tune to any channel: 2012-02-27 20:06:19.774136 [(5)]: dvb: A useable TV Tuner cannot be found! Either the device no longer exists or it's in use by another application!2012-02-27 20:06:19.774136 [(5)]: dvbecompose
its driving me crazy. im now thinking about buying a standalone receiver.
i disabled standby options and cannot tune to any channel:
2012-02-27 20:06:19.774136 [(5)]: dvb: A useable TV Tuner cannot be found! Either the device no longer exists or it's in use by another application!
2012-02-27 20:06:19.774136 [(5)]: dvbecompose