Hi Michael I have just checked the server and I updated it the other day to the latest version of PS++. So its only been on that the last few days though maybe the logs show the older version? On the client I selected "export all current present logs" when I created the logs originally. WHen you say select debug log level do you mean "report a bug to team mediaportal" option? If so I have created them again and find it attached. This is for the client. When you say its a bug between epg and reboot do you think this will be a temp fix if I disable wake it up for epg collecting? I deselected that this morning when I noticed it had woke at server level. Anyway hope the client logs are more forthcoming with reasons as to wy the client/s woke up.
Hi Michael
I have just checked the server and I updated it the other day to the latest version of PS++. So its only been on that the last few days though maybe the logs show the older version? On the client I selected "export all current present logs" when I created the logs originally. WHen you say select debug log level do you mean "report a bug to team mediaportal" option? If so I have created them again and find it attached. This is for the client.
When you say its a bug between epg and reboot do you think this will be a temp fix if I disable wake it up for epg collecting? I deselected that this morning when I noticed it had woke at server level.
Anyway hope the client logs are more forthcoming with reasons as to wy the client/s woke up.