I know there are more or less active Threads at the moment about Powerscheduler and Multiseatsetups (e.G Here) but IMHO montioring traffic or shares ist not ideal for this. Especialy if your TV-Server is some kind of NAS (for other Computers), too.
hats why I decided to look into the Powerscheduler-Code an implented a HeartBeat Monitor. When just using Tv-Server as Tv-Server JBravos PowerScheduler Client Patch should do the Job (it corrects IPowerController in Multiseat)
But now to the HeartBeat-Monitor.
The patch for the Tv-Server adds a new Tab to PowerScheduler Configuration for enabling Hb-Monitor. When its enabled PowerScheduler will start a UDP Server at Port 4010 an waits for Heartbeats. It will check every 60 seconds if there is a Heartbeat that is not older than 60 seconds and will allow/disallow Standby.
The client patch sends every 30 seconds an UDP-Packet/HeartBeat to the Server, not more or less.
This shouldn't necesary with JBravos clientPatch.
The real effort is the litlle UDPclient which can be run on another Computer to simple prevent standby of the Tv-Server (a littlebit like LightsOut for WHS).
I'm working on an improved version of this UDPclient, with WOL and Trayicon-support...
The only unremained Problem is sending a WOL-Packet at MePo start/wakeup.
Solution 1 seems to be in the mentioned Thread.
Solution 2 is to send a WOL-Packet before MePo starts, I'm working at a shell replacement which will do that.
or the next Version of my UDPclient which will do that at start/wake of the Computer,too.
I hope my englisch wasn't to bad and the Hearbeat-Monitor is something usefull
The patch is against SVN23143, the compiled dlls also but they work in MePo
I know there are more or less active Threads at the moment about Powerscheduler and Multiseatsetups (e.G Here) but IMHO montioring traffic or shares ist not ideal for this. Especialy if your TV-Server is some kind of NAS (for other Computers), too.
hats why I decided to look into the Powerscheduler-Code an implented a HeartBeat Monitor. When just using Tv-Server as Tv-Server JBravos PowerScheduler Client Patch should do the Job (it corrects IPowerController in Multiseat)
But now to the HeartBeat-Monitor.
The patch for the Tv-Server adds a new Tab to PowerScheduler Configuration for enabling Hb-Monitor. When its enabled PowerScheduler will start a UDP Server at Port 4010 an waits for Heartbeats. It will check every 60 seconds if there is a Heartbeat that is not older than 60 seconds and will allow/disallow Standby.
The client patch sends every 30 seconds an UDP-Packet/HeartBeat to the Server, not more or less.
This shouldn't necesary with JBravos clientPatch.
The real effort is the litlle UDPclient which can be run on another Computer to simple prevent standby of the Tv-Server (a littlebit like LightsOut for WHS).
I'm working on an improved version of this UDPclient, with WOL and Trayicon-support...
The only unremained Problem is sending a WOL-Packet at MePo start/wakeup.
Solution 1 seems to be in the mentioned Thread.
Solution 2 is to send a WOL-Packet before MePo starts, I'm working at a shell replacement which will do that.
or the next Version of my UDPclient which will do that at start/wake of the Computer,too.
I hope my englisch wasn't to bad and the Hearbeat-Monitor is something usefull
The patch is against SVN23143, the compiled dlls also but they work in MePo