Problem in downloads... (1 Viewer)


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  • March 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Spain Spain

    I have been trying to download some skins and plugins from the mediaportal page, and every time happens the same: the download begins, at a good speed, and after few seconds the speed decreases, until zero.

    Some days ago, I managed to download some plugins "restarting" firefox, and it resumed the download, and after some tries the download was complete. But now, every time I restart the download, ot begins again, and never downloads it completely.

    Anyone experiencing the same problems? I have tried with IE also, and downloading ot from home and from the office (to know if the connection is causing problems), but no way...

    Thank you...



    Portal Member
    December 4, 2007
    I have the exact same issue. Trying to download skins is a complete waste of time in IE or Firefox. Starts... runs a few seconds then just dwindles down to 0bps and sits forever.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 31, 2004
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    theres no known issue here and the logs look fine so far. So I need more informations about your normal kb/s-speed/connection and how long it takes until the download break down.
    There may be a problem when you download a relative large file like the Bleazle skin with a pretty slow connection (php-timeout). But without further infos thats just wild guessing.


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2007
    I was at work on a T1. I downloaded media Portal itself fine but the skins would start @ anywhere form 30K/s to 80K/s then after about 5 seconds rapidly go down to 0 and sit there forever. I tried IE8 and FireFox 3 with the same result. I cleared the cache to no avail. I downloaded several things from other places during the day with no issues at all. Like I said including MediaPortal 1.0.2. The ONLY thing I had issues with is downloading the skins from that section. I tried several but the one I really wanted was indeed Bleazle. However I assure you the issue wasn't connection speed. The furthest I got was just barely over 5MB. I never even got close to 5MB the 100 or so other times I tried. Often it would go at like 80K for as little as 180K then just die. Other times I may get ten seconds but mostly I'd say less than 5. I am about to try from home and see how that goes.

    Works fine from home on the DSL....

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