Problems compiling (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 14, 2005

I followed the instructions, got the files with WinCVS etc, but when I try to compile (with VS C# Express) I get a bunch of error messages, mostly that it can't find certain files. Any chance anyone can tell me why/ help me in the right direction?? I'm eager to start developing plugins!!! :D



Error 13 Source file 'C:\mediaportal\Dialogs\Dialogs\VirtualWebKeyboard.cs' could not be opened ('The system cannot find the file specified. ') Dialogs
Error 14 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\Dialogs\bin\Release\Dialogs.dll' could not be found TVCapture
Error 15 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\TVCapture\bin\Release\TVCapture.dll' could not be found RemotePlugins
Error 16 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\RemotePlugins\bin\Release\RemotePlugins.dll' could not be found ProcessPlugins
Error 17 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\TVCapture\bin\Release\TVCapture.dll' could not be found ProcessPlugins
Error 18 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\Dialogs\bin\Release\Dialogs.dll' could not be found ProcessPlugins
Error 19 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\TVCapture\bin\Release\TVCapture.dll' could not be found WindowPlugins
Error 20 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\Dialogs\bin\Release\Dialogs.dll' could not be found WindowPlugins
Error 21 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\RemotePlugins\bin\Release\RemotePlugins.dll' could not be found MediaPortal.Configuration
Error 22 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\TVCapture\bin\Release\TVCapture.dll' could not be found MediaPortal.Configuration
Error 23 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\RemotePlugins\bin\Release\RemotePlugins.dll' could not be found MediaPortal
Error 24 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\TVCapture\bin\Release\TVCapture.dll' could not be found MediaPortal
Error 25 Metadata file 'C:\mediaportal\Dialogs\bin\Release\Dialogs.dll' could not be found MediaPortal


Warning 1 'EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPClient.FTPClient(string, int)' is obsolete: 'This constructor is obsolete; use the default constructor and properties instead' C:\mediaportal\Core\Util\FtpConnectionCache.cs 204 36 Core
Warning 2 'EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPClient.TransferComplete' is obsolete: 'Use TransferCompleteEx' C:\mediaportal\Core\Util\FtpConnectionCache.cs 300 11 Core
Warning 3 'EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPClient.TransferComplete' is obsolete: 'Use TransferCompleteEx' C:\mediaportal\Core\Util\FtpConnectionCache.cs 86 9 Core
Warning 4 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.BroadcastHeader.Size' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 66 24 Core
Warning 5 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.BroadcastHeader.Type' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 67 31 Core
Warning 6 The private field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.BroadcastHeader.Reserved' is never used C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 68 25 Core
Warning 7 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.Volume.Size' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 73 24 Core
Warning 8 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.Volume.Type' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 74 31 Core
Warning 9 The private field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.Volume.Reserved' is never used C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 75 25 Core
Warning 10 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.Volume.Mask' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 76 24 Core
Warning 11 Field 'Win32.Utils.Cd._DeviceVolumeMonitor.Volume.Flags' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0 C:\mediaportal\Core\Ripper\DeviceVolumeMonitor.cs 77 24 Core
Warning 12 The private field 'MediaPortal.IR.USBUIRT.lastIRCodeSentWasToggle' is assigned but its value is never used C:\mediaportal\Core\USBUIRT\USBUIRT.cs 182 49 Core


Portal Member
November 14, 2005
Ok, so if I exclude the VirtualWebKeyboard.cs and the WebBrowser project I can actually compile and things seem to be working.

Still, seems like that particular file should be there?!?!

And, I still get a lot of warnings while compiling...


Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2004
    the Netherlands
    Make sure you make the Mediaportal project the active project (rightclick). Then rebuild that project and it should build just fine.

    Also check if the missing files are actually missing. If so try to update the code again from CVS.

    Ignore the warnings


    Portal Member
    November 14, 2005

    The VirtualWebKeyboard.cs IS missing, I've updated three times with the same result..

    For the time being it's no big issue though, I can do what I need to do, but hopefully it'll get fixed soon!



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 15, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    Yeah, I also had those errors when trying to compile with c# express yesterday. Today I re-got the sources with tortoise cvs and works again. So you should go for a re-grab or maybe you need to wait a bit for cvs to sync...

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