Installation & configuration screens have some problems on my computer. There are overlapping of items on configuration screen and some visual flaws on installation screen. Check the pictures.
Mediaportal plugin installer has weird white borders.
Mediaportal installer has weird gray box on upper right corner. I have seen this installer on my friend's computer and he had only one mediaportal picture, not several in tile mode like I do.
TV server configuration has tuner drop down box too high.
Mediaportal configuration has 'Switch to standard mode' only partly visible. 'Preferred subtitle language' overlaps dropdown box and 'Aspect ratio correction mode' text is only partly visible.
My tv's resolution is 1368x768. Is this problem? Has anyone similar problems?
Br, Testimies.
Installation & configuration screens have some problems on my computer. There are overlapping of items on configuration screen and some visual flaws on installation screen. Check the pictures.
Mediaportal plugin installer has weird white borders.
Mediaportal installer has weird gray box on upper right corner. I have seen this installer on my friend's computer and he had only one mediaportal picture, not several in tile mode like I do.
TV server configuration has tuner drop down box too high.
Mediaportal configuration has 'Switch to standard mode' only partly visible. 'Preferred subtitle language' overlaps dropdown box and 'Aspect ratio correction mode' text is only partly visible.
My tv's resolution is 1368x768. Is this problem? Has anyone similar problems?
Br, Testimies.