Radio Channels on SAT 19.2 not found (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 13, 2005
I use the AutoScan Function to search for RadioStations and all Radiochannels on Astra 19.2 are found except for the spanish ones I need.
They are definitely there because I can get them with a "normal" DVB-S Tuner. The problem is, that these channels were removed by Canal+. Actually they didn't remove them, but only don't send the channel name anymore. In my external DVB-S Tuner the channels are displayed with their service nummber, i.e. as Service-30106.

I assume that MP ignores the channels because they don't send a channel name. One example would be:

Channel: M-80
Freq: 10,8470
SR: 22000
FEC: 5/6
SID: 30106
Audio: 257
Pol: V

I tried to enter the channel data manually vie SQLLite but it didn't work because I dont't have all the informations neccessary. I have only got the above data from the Astra website.

Any ideas how to "convince" MP to find these channels?

Thanks in advance,

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