Ratings for the SVN releases (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Hi everyone.

I would like to thank all the hard working people for this EXCELLENT piece of software. :D

The idea
I also had a little thought about the weekly SVN releases. For me, and I think a lot of other people as well, it is difficult to tell what SVN release is very stable and workable. And ofcourse what SVN really NOT to try. The threads sometimes contain about 5-12 pages of replies. So this can be time consuming and sometimes difficult to understand.
That is why I thought of a kind of a poll or rating system in each of the SVN threads. Put it on the opening post where there is the changelog and a download link. It could be usefull to have some kind of rating how each SVN release is performing.

The advantages
- It can give the devs good/more information on how the current SVN in performing.
- Clear and fast picture on the performance of the SVN for the users.
- Voting for a poll has a very low threshhold. There will probably be more people voting than people giving a propper reply.
- No real language barrier. You only need to be able to read the question.

The follow-up
If you think this is a usefull suggestion, the next question would be what kind of poll there should be. How detailed do you/we want the poll to be.
Is this SVN working ok for you? [yes/no] >Result is Yes:78% No:22%
or something like;
What rating would you like to give this SVN release? 0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100%.... Result gives a more spread %.

I hope me trying to thing with you and trying to contribute is appreciated. :)


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 7, 2005
    I can see at least few issues that such data collection will generate

    • Users who have found a working SVN wont update and that will lower the "score" for future SVN
    • Different people are using completely different assumptions what is 50% working and what isn't. For me it would be example that half of the features aren't working at all and for someone else it might be a small bug that renders MP almost usable and giving

    So, we cannot measure the overall quality with ease. Maybe better approach would be to have multiple areas that can be voted (it would give somewhat better stats).


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I can see at least few issues that such data collection will generate

    • Users who have found a working SVN wont update and that will lower the "score" for future SVN
    • Different people are using completely different assumptions what is 50% working and what isn't. For me it would be example that half of the features aren't working at all and for someone else it might be a small bug that renders MP almost usable and giving

    So, we cannot measure the overall quality with ease. Maybe better approach would be to have multiple areas that can be voted (it would give somewhat better stats).

    Thanks for the quick reply Tourettes.
    I can see why some people can be reluctant before upgrading if a score is lower. I think it is wise to think about what questions to ask in the poll. Indeed, as you state, define it more.

    But this is only needed if the idea is percieved as a good/usefull one in the first place.
    Lets make a poll for it ;) Ghehehe

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